Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis for January 29, 2023

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    allen@home  about 2 years ago

    No terrorists would ever want you, Ed.

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    B UTTONS  about 2 years ago

    Defense against the dark art.

    Send Ed to the terrorist with his “tools” and the terrorist will soon be begging us to name any price to take him back.

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    benjnavarro28  about 2 years ago

    I know Crankshaft isn’t exactly a popular strip, but I’ve read most of this month’s strips and I have to admit, I actually kind of like it. It’s not my favorite strip but it’s a decent strip overall and it gets a few chuckles out of me. I respect the opinion of those who don’t like it but can’t say I understand why they don’t like it (Funky Winkerbean, on the other hand…).

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    Sue Ellen  about 2 years ago

    I graduated from college in 1973. My social security number was also my student ID number. Stores that accepted checks would ask folks to write their SS number on the check. I’m not sure when identity theft became a problem, but it probably started with the internet!

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    Geophyzz  about 2 years ago

    When Churchill flew to Moscow for a meeting with Stalin, “it was whispered” that if his plane was forced down in Axis territory, his bodyguard had been ordered to shoot him.

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    grozar  about 2 years ago

    SO! What was the point of all this this? Aside from the one on Batty’s balding head.

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    Tenner  about 2 years ago

    You would be amazed at how many places don’t really need your SS# after they ask for it. Always challenge it, they have you by address, birthdate, etc.

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    DawnQuinn1  about 2 years ago

    What does she need his social security number for? In Canada, only government agencies can ask for it, and most don’t because they can find it quicker than you can. Usually only CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) (IRS to you Americans) asks for it. Sometimes for government service requests you need it. Retailers do NOT and CANNOT ask for it.

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    Blu Bunny  about 2 years ago

    Ed, you are the terrorist!

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    Blu Bunny  about 2 years ago

    Sir, do you even have a SS# ?

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    tcayer  about 2 years ago

    When I was a cop, when the internet started becoming more mainstream, a woman came to the station and told me how she got one of those “your account is locked” emails. She replied and answered everything- D.O.B. SS # bank account numbers PINs, EVERYTHING! She asked me what to do. I told her she was screwed. Contact the credit bureaus and put a lock on everything. I wonder what happened with that?

    As long as I’m reminiscing, there was another lady who came to the station with a letter saying she has won the Canadian lottery. Of course she had to send a fee so the funds could “clear Customs.” I told her it was a scam. She doubted me. I asked her if she had ever been to Canada. She hadn’t in many years. “So how could you have won?” She was still thinking it over when she left. If people didn’t fall for these scams, scammers wouldn’t do them….

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    mjowens1985  about 2 years ago

    I feel like this could’ve easily been a weekday three-panel strip.

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    sueb1863  about 2 years ago

    Well, if terrorists wanted your SSN and you couldn’t give it to them, they’d probably just go ahead and kill you. So that might not be such a great plan.

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    kathleenhicks62  about 2 years ago

    Hmmm-SS#s aren’t to be used as an ID—

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    MaCookie7  about 2 years ago

    I only list the last 4 digits of my ss# on paperwork.

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    dmerritt7  about 2 years ago

    When I got my SS card, WAAAY back when, I laminated it because it was so flimsy. Only then did I realize I forgot to sign it first!

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    Mopman  about 2 years ago

    Well, for once Ed is correct. There is no reason for the teller to be asking for that. She should be asking for his account number.

    And before you say she could be opening an account for him, you wouldn’t just walk up to the window and open an account. That would be done with a manager or whatever, at a desk with paperwork, etc.

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    Kjvman1   about 2 years ago

    Wow. Torture is comical? Not funny guys.

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    ToneeRhianRose  almost 2 years ago

    I keep it in a fire box till I know I’ll need it.

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