bacon by Lonnie Millsap for March 01, 2023

  1. 20250216 085708 2
    Lady loves a joke  almost 2 years ago

    You’d rather be playing laser tag?

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  2. 9b26b55463b223e142558b03cfb3a3fb
    distortion Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Me too!

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  3. Ed583643 91bf 4172 be99 60eabdf33fa3
    Lee26 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    They could drive feral cats nuts!

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  4. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Didn’t you like the incendiary bombs?

    For those too young or for those who fell asleep in history class, during WW II the US experimented with adhering small incendiary devices to bats and releasing them over Japanese cities. Japanese housing was mainly of wood and paper construction. The bats would roost in the houses, the incendiary device would go off, and burn the house down starting large moving fires.

    During testing it was shown to work as the US military burnt down a farmers very large barn as well as a few other structures including one or two of the military’s buildings. The problem in the plan was the delivery system. The bats would be dropped from high, think freezing, altitudes in a cluster type device. Often the bats did not warm up enough to fly before they would crash to the ground.

    Who says the US military isn’t batty at times.

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  5. 420920 581490588535955 1700877932 n 1
    chancetoigo  almost 2 years ago


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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    What about SCUBA?

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