…up to your neck in month old gazpacho.
Aw, just go ahead and pinch the kid’s coin already, you cheapskate rummy.
Yup, the wife says that same thing in panel 3 at least once a month. Gotta give it to him, at least he’s right 4 out of 7 days of the week.
So adorable! And yes, even when you think they’re not listening or they won’t understand – they are and they do.
Kid held onto penny, viola – copper wire invented.
“How about this, Sonny, come over here and I’ll pinch your effing head off. And your Father is next. After I fire him.”
Violation of rule 15.1.3: Never tell a child anything you don’t want them to repeat. In cases like this, RTFM.
There was an old joke that Jack Benny found copper needles in his pocket. He’d been pinching pennies too hard. :)
He is NOT an alcoholic. He can quit anytime.
August 09, 2014
danketaz Premium Member almost 2 years ago
…up to your neck in month old gazpacho.
JudasPeckerwood almost 2 years ago
Aw, just go ahead and pinch the kid’s coin already, you cheapskate rummy.
Dr. Quatermass almost 2 years ago
Yup, the wife says that same thing in panel 3 at least once a month. Gotta give it to him, at least he’s right 4 out of 7 days of the week.
Billavi Premium Member almost 2 years ago
So adorable! And yes, even when you think they’re not listening or they won’t understand – they are and they do.
Huckleberry Muhammad Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Funny_Ha_Ha almost 2 years ago
Kid held onto penny, viola – copper wire invented.
tims145 almost 2 years ago
“How about this, Sonny, come over here and I’ll pinch your effing head off. And your Father is next. After I fire him.”
willie_mctell almost 2 years ago
Violation of rule 15.1.3: Never tell a child anything you don’t want them to repeat. In cases like this, RTFM.
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
There was an old joke that Jack Benny found copper needles in his pocket. He’d been pinching pennies too hard. :)
Grover Premium Member almost 2 years ago
He is NOT an alcoholic. He can quit anytime.