While working in a grocery store deli a person came up and asked for 150 grams of salad. I replied, “Hey, we’re not drug dealers.” It was at that point that my boss took over and asked him how much that is in imperial measurements. (About 1/3 lbs, as it turns out.)
Romans gave us a lot of wonderful things. But, numbers was not one of them. They had no zero, no negative numbers, and did you ever try to add or subtract (not to mention multiple or divide) with Roman numerals.
C almost 2 years ago
They already ate
charliefarmrhere almost 2 years ago
I was born in MCMXLV (1945) I learned Roman numeral way back in grade school.
Jeff0811 almost 2 years ago
While working in a grocery store deli a person came up and asked for 150 grams of salad. I replied, “Hey, we’re not drug dealers.” It was at that point that my boss took over and asked him how much that is in imperial measurements. (About 1/3 lbs, as it turns out.)
Botulism Bob almost 2 years ago
Numerus octo?
My First Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The only time every year that Roman Numerals come into play is the Superbowl.
Billavi Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I recently learned that many clocks and watches use IIII rather than IV. Big Ben is one exception.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
NobodyAwesome Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I did not get it. Is it that 8 (VIII) sounds like ate?
KEA almost 2 years ago
Roman numerals are fun (for everything but fractions). Class of MCMLXVII
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
They all look confused, guess they don’t know roman numerals.
rbullfogg almost 2 years ago
Romans gave us a lot of wonderful things. But, numbers was not one of them. They had no zero, no negative numbers, and did you ever try to add or subtract (not to mention multiple or divide) with Roman numerals.
Frank Burns Eats Worms almost 2 years ago
X marks the spot where someone tried the XXL, passed out, and needed an IV. They LIV to tell about it, saying it was “MMMM” good!!