Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for March 12, 2023

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    sergioandrade Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I’m usually not disgusted at horror movies. The scariest one I’ve seen recently was Steven Spielberg’s Duel on Svengoolie, too realist.

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    PraiseofFolly  almost 2 years ago

    Judging from thousands of years of humanity’s past history, Aliens might think it has a great deal to do with Religion.

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  almost 2 years ago

    Horny horror! Horny horror! Oh, the horny horror!

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    jmcenanly  almost 2 years ago

    The hardest thing we might have to explain to an alien is that we have a horror movie called, “Alien”

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    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    The Exorcist fits the requirements

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    willie_mctell  almost 2 years ago

    Given the uncharted territory of the alien psyche I don’t think we can be confident about what will be hardest to explain.

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    Buoy  almost 2 years ago

    Why are we bored with terrorism? Why are there homeless people at arguably the most prosperous time of humanity? Why do we drink civet poop coffee? What’s up with the Kardashians?

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    Cozmik Cowboy  almost 2 years ago

    I like that girl!

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