1 April is by no means a universal day for that kind of foolery, but I think all cultures have some day or other (28 December in Mexico—Based on a misinterpretation of a absurdly legendary passage in Luke).
Time was April 1st was new years day, since they figured the first month of Spring was a good time to call the beginning of the year, but it was changed to January 1st to be closer to the winter solstice, and those who kept celebrating April 1st as new years were mocked and had pranks pulled on them, thus establishing the April fools.
“In Scotland the first day of April is associated with a practice called the Hunting of the Gowk, a gowk being a cuckoo. The procedure for hunting the gowk is simple. The victim is given a letter which says, ‘This is the first of April—hunt the gowk another mile.’ He is told to deliver the letter to a person some distance away. That person, on reading the note, sends him along to another destination, and the joke continues until such time as the fool awakes to the fact that he is being gowked.
“In America, the sleeveless errand still flourishes. The victim is sent for a four-foot yardstick, a left-handed monkey wrench, the key to the oarlocks, or the key to the pitcher’s box. In the military at the present time new arrivals in camp are sent out to get the cannon report, or a biscuit gun for the mess sergeant, or the rubber flag (on a rainy day). Recruits in the air forces are dispatched for a bucket of prop wash, or a gallon of prop pitch, or a box of replacement RPMs.
“Printers are great ones for this sort of joke and a new boy around a printshop is shagged all over town for dotted ink, or paper-stretchers. …”
—H. Allen Smith, The Compleat Practical Joker, 1953
And, of course, there is the long-standing tradition of the snipe hunt.
oldpine52 almost 2 years ago
I suspect that Monty will end up being the first victim of an April Fool joke.
Jayalexander almost 2 years ago
There you go an original to start the day off.
Imagine almost 2 years ago
“Sending an unwitting fool on an absurd errand”
Well, there he goes.
TheTruthHurts almost 2 years ago
“It’s not the journey, it’s the destination”. ©️
Ichabod Ferguson almost 2 years ago
Go fetch the…. bucket of steam… rock bender…
radgrom8109 almost 2 years ago
Wow, this is gonna be good…
Totalloser Premium Member almost 2 years ago
this will not end well.
But he could go back in time and met Robotman
FassEddie almost 2 years ago
Hey kids! Doesn’t that sound like it’ll end well? Like an episode of Tutor Turtle.
F-Flash almost 2 years ago
Maybe he’ll run into Marty &Doc Brown.
Redd Panda almost 2 years ago
100’ of shoreline … 2 lbs of steam … the truck stretcher … striped paint … the glass mallet … blinker fluid … metric pipe wrench
The only limits, are Man’s imagination.
Clotty Peristalt almost 2 years ago
If I wake up tomorrow and this strip will suddenly refer to March Fool’s Day or something, I’ll know history has been changed.
Gameguy49 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s a fool’s errand when he doesn’t know where or when.
WCraft Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Wasn’t it about a thousand years ago when a disgruntled peasant left a flaming bag of dog poop outside the drawbridge in Camelot?
Spaceman Tom almost 2 years ago
What could go wrong?
Spoonbone almost 2 years ago
If a watchmaker sends the new guy for a “wheel stretcher”, it’s not a prank! There actually is such a tool. Believe it or else!
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
“Try Babylon. Ask them the way to ‘April’.”
Maswartz almost 2 years ago
Again professor, of ALL people to trust with time travel why do you keep giving it to THIS guy?
Impkins Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Snipe Hunt. :)
AndrewSihler almost 2 years ago
1 April is by no means a universal day for that kind of foolery, but I think all cultures have some day or other (28 December in Mexico—Based on a misinterpretation of a absurdly legendary passage in Luke).
chriscc63 almost 2 years ago
What could go wrong?
hornacek almost 2 years ago
What could possibly go wrong?
megiggles almost 2 years ago
I think frame in two the professor says it all.
Bucksnort54 almost 2 years ago
The unwitting “fool” is about to put the time travel watch on and depart!!!
yangeldf almost 2 years ago
Time was April 1st was new years day, since they figured the first month of Spring was a good time to call the beginning of the year, but it was changed to January 1st to be closer to the winter solstice, and those who kept celebrating April 1st as new years were mocked and had pranks pulled on them, thus establishing the April fools.
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
Oh, Professor! Taking advantage of Monty this way doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Something about his not being equipped for a battle of wits…
cherns Premium Member almost 2 years ago
“In Scotland the first day of April is associated with a practice called the Hunting of the Gowk, a gowk being a cuckoo. The procedure for hunting the gowk is simple. The victim is given a letter which says, ‘This is the first of April—hunt the gowk another mile.’ He is told to deliver the letter to a person some distance away. That person, on reading the note, sends him along to another destination, and the joke continues until such time as the fool awakes to the fact that he is being gowked.
“In America, the sleeveless errand still flourishes. The victim is sent for a four-foot yardstick, a left-handed monkey wrench, the key to the oarlocks, or the key to the pitcher’s box. In the military at the present time new arrivals in camp are sent out to get the cannon report, or a biscuit gun for the mess sergeant, or the rubber flag (on a rainy day). Recruits in the air forces are dispatched for a bucket of prop wash, or a gallon of prop pitch, or a box of replacement RPMs.
“Printers are great ones for this sort of joke and a new boy around a printshop is shagged all over town for dotted ink, or paper-stretchers. …”
—H. Allen Smith, The Compleat Practical Joker, 1953
And, of course, there is the long-standing tradition of the snipe hunt.