what gave it away that it was a bear instead of a dog before the hind legs bit? the dog eating fish form a river and climbing trees to a beehive for honey?
And this rooster over here turned out to be Uncle Yang. Believe It Or Not! ~ Fred Wong
Take care, may aspiring World Renowned Strong Man Extraordinaire Mikey “I Started With The Calf When It Was First Born And I Carried It Every Day To The Barn As It Grew Larger And Heavier Just Like Hercules Or Sampson Or Who Ever But I Quit When He Started Wanting An Apartment And An Engagement Ring” Knockkneeord be with you, and gesundheit.
Back in the ’60’s there was a strongman billed as the strongest man in the world. He literally picked up a grown elephant using that same technique, but without the hand support. He demonstrated it on “To Tell The Truth”, a game show with host Gary Moore.
The dude from FL Premium Member almost 2 years ago
A bear going Woof Woof
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
what gave it away that it was a bear instead of a dog before the hind legs bit? the dog eating fish form a river and climbing trees to a beehive for honey?
jpsomebody almost 2 years ago
Bell peppers and Jalapeno peppers will cross pollinate, creating mild spicy bell peppers.
comixbomix almost 2 years ago
…and it was the last thing they ever realized.
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 2 years ago
And this rooster over here turned out to be Uncle Yang. Believe It Or Not! ~ Fred Wong
Take care, may aspiring World Renowned Strong Man Extraordinaire Mikey “I Started With The Calf When It Was First Born And I Carried It Every Day To The Barn As It Grew Larger And Heavier Just Like Hercules Or Sampson Or Who Ever But I Quit When He Started Wanting An Apartment And An Engagement Ring” Knockkneeord be with you, and gesundheit.
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Back in the ’60’s there was a strongman billed as the strongest man in the world. He literally picked up a grown elephant using that same technique, but without the hand support. He demonstrated it on “To Tell The Truth”, a game show with host Gary Moore.
ladykat almost 2 years ago
Bell peppers make me ill unless they are peeled. I can scarf down hot peppers with no trouble at all.
poppacapsmokeblower almost 2 years ago
So why don’t bell peppers produce capsaicin? Are they the first peppers and all other peppers modern descendants?
mindjob almost 2 years ago
It’s tough being a bell pepper and being ridiculed at all the Pepper family reunions. This is why they stopped going
The Duke almost 2 years ago
I wonder if the family continued raising the bear or did they give it up?
Pickled Pete almost 2 years ago
A man was sitting next to a woman on an airplane who after every time she sneezed she would loudly moan.
After the 3rd time the man asked the woman if she was ok.
The woman responded that she had a condition where after every time she sneezed she would have an orgcsm.
The man said that’s terrible and asked the woman if she was taking anything for it.
The woman responded. “just pepper”.
finnygirl Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Okay, Duke and Cactusbob: It’s late, I’m tired and grump, and you two are making me ROFL!