Real good comedy died between 50~70 years ago. Now, Robin Williams and Jonathan Winters together, where something of an exception in the 80’s, they fed off of each other. IMHO
Can’t do the old jokes because of “political correctness” HOW WOKE!
However with the likes of politicians today, there is no lack of material. You could do whole routines on MTG, Santos, Thomas, Orange Face, Carlson.
Yes, MAGA-heads, you can also make jokes about Biden: mostly name calling rather than based on something he actually did or said. Humor comes in all forms.
When a national network here (Mexico) tried rerunning the classic Animaniacs cartoon (1992), there were protests from thousands of snowflakes demanding that it be banned “for being very offensive.” :P :P :P
So they had that Spectrum commercial with a Free Second Line. By the next evening, there were web news site articles on Who is Second Line, and How We Can Fight Fascism by Freeing Him.
Oh yeah? How ‘bout “Yo’ mama so fat, I know six fat people and she’s five of them. If yo’ mama was a motorcycle, she’d be Yo-Mamma-Ha.” Hmm, it’s true: not funny.
Nailed it! Thank God comedians are saying screw it and going ahead with their material. If a little snowflake doesn’t like it, don’t watch, listen, or go to a show.
Twenty-five years ago, Tom Lehrer remarked, “There used to be jokes you couldn’t tell to a girl. Now you can tell her the jokes, but you can’t call her a girl.”
2008 to 2016 I got so many “jokes” about Obama in e-mails that all had “punch lines” that pointed out he was Black. Just offensively stupid. People don’t seem to get that Don Rickles was hilarious because he insulted others who understood he was joking, and could laugh at themselves.All the “both sides” business now. At one time there was us and a scattering of those outside…or way outside and most could recognize that.
For all who think that “woke” has shut down comedy, check out “Looks Good on Paper”. I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t been offended by one of his strips. But we discuss it, we show support for experiences that lead to the sensitivity, and we all come back the next day to see who he’ll offend next. That’s woke. (he has a wide range of subjects, so be patient if the next few or several aren’t offensive enough).
Wow, yet I can remember the skits of so many comics that are as hilarious today as when originally delivered to an audience: G. Carlin, M. Hedberg, B. Butler, B. Hicks, R. Williams, J. Rivers, L. Miller, and too many others to recall here. But I guess thaty doesn’t fit your agenda. Oh, yeah, one of the cleanest comics from back then? Bill Cosby, imagine that.
maybe it’s time to lighten up and quit being “offended” by those we disagree with. but I am sure someone who reads this will be offended and correct me. LOL ╮(╯-╰)╭
Erse IS better almost 2 years ago
On the other hand, a lot of the four letter words are okay now.
allen@home almost 2 years ago
The material from twenty five years ago doesn’t play well today.
Subguy322 almost 2 years ago
So true!
Ned Snipes almost 2 years ago
Real good comedy died between 50~70 years ago. Now, Robin Williams and Jonathan Winters together, where something of an exception in the 80’s, they fed off of each other. IMHO
dflak almost 2 years ago
Can’t do the old jokes because of “political correctness” HOW WOKE!
However with the likes of politicians today, there is no lack of material. You could do whole routines on MTG, Santos, Thomas, Orange Face, Carlson.
Yes, MAGA-heads, you can also make jokes about Biden: mostly name calling rather than based on something he actually did or said. Humor comes in all forms.
AZCoyote almost 2 years ago
PC has ruined honesty.
Gameguy49 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
We have become such a “tender” lot, always looking for something that just might offend us.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Give me George Carlin any day for humor! RIP☹️
i_am_the_jam almost 2 years ago
When a national network here (Mexico) tried rerunning the classic Animaniacs cartoon (1992), there were protests from thousands of snowflakes demanding that it be banned “for being very offensive.” :P :P :P
Frank Burns Eats Worms almost 2 years ago
This seems to be his blew material, because he blew right by every joke.
davidlwashburn almost 2 years ago
Shouldn’t have done them back then, either.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 2 years ago
So they had that Spectrum commercial with a Free Second Line. By the next evening, there were web news site articles on Who is Second Line, and How We Can Fight Fascism by Freeing Him.
elvisgirl3 almost 2 years ago
They have certainly Never had more outrageous material to work with than today. Woke = JOKE!
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Yeah, it’s great to be back in the, “land of the freeeeee, and the home of the braaaaaave!!!!!” Play ball!!!!!
Super Fly almost 2 years ago
Oh yeah? How ‘bout “Yo’ mama so fat, I know six fat people and she’s five of them. If yo’ mama was a motorcycle, she’d be Yo-Mamma-Ha.” Hmm, it’s true: not funny.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Nailed it! Thank God comedians are saying screw it and going ahead with their material. If a little snowflake doesn’t like it, don’t watch, listen, or go to a show.
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
“Sit down!”
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Twenty-five years ago, Tom Lehrer remarked, “There used to be jokes you couldn’t tell to a girl. Now you can tell her the jokes, but you can’t call her a girl.”
ira.crank almost 2 years ago
Yes, the good old days with George Carlin and Richard Pryor.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
I blame the parents for raising whining, thin skinned kids! Give me a F-in break!
Kids learn what they live and live what they learned!
christelisbetty almost 2 years ago
2008 to 2016 I got so many “jokes” about Obama in e-mails that all had “punch lines” that pointed out he was Black. Just offensively stupid. People don’t seem to get that Don Rickles was hilarious because he insulted others who understood he was joking, and could laugh at themselves.All the “both sides” business now. At one time there was us and a scattering of those outside…or way outside and most could recognize that.
T... almost 2 years ago
Very funny, and absolutely true…
Stephen Gilberg almost 2 years ago
Should’ve worked this out in advance, dude.
Impkins Premium Member almost 2 years ago
LITTERBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
P51Strega almost 2 years ago
For all who think that “woke” has shut down comedy, check out “Looks Good on Paper”. I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t been offended by one of his strips. But we discuss it, we show support for experiences that lead to the sensitivity, and we all come back the next day to see who he’ll offend next. That’s woke. (he has a wide range of subjects, so be patient if the next few or several aren’t offensive enough).
zxcar1 almost 2 years ago
Wow, yet I can remember the skits of so many comics that are as hilarious today as when originally delivered to an audience: G. Carlin, M. Hedberg, B. Butler, B. Hicks, R. Williams, J. Rivers, L. Miller, and too many others to recall here. But I guess thaty doesn’t fit your agenda. Oh, yeah, one of the cleanest comics from back then? Bill Cosby, imagine that.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 2 years ago
maybe it’s time to lighten up and quit being “offended” by those we disagree with. but I am sure someone who reads this will be offended and correct me. LOL ╮(╯-╰)╭
aussie399 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Why not try this really hilarious joke? “Wokes and obliviot radical lefties can walk and talk at the same time. Really….”