Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 04, 2012

  1. 00160008
    Koolfunkygrrl  about 13 years ago

    Gots to have snacks :)……..yumm….hey who ate all my chocolate chip cookies? Hammy?? LOL….wait, wrong comic, sorry…LOL..Morning y’all :)……I’m just up late…..Wonder what Dr. Billy’s new is?….hmmmmm…….yay first post :)

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  2. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  about 13 years ago

    Wow Mr. P time for a reality check (which of course Cathy is giving him). WORK through dinner? I thought he might be the only rational person left in the world, but he fell into Cathy’s BizarroWorld. Sigh. It was good to know you Mr. P.


    And it’s 4:05 a.m. and I’m awake. Why? I dunno. One of my mind running wild nights. I woke up around 3:30 with a song stuck in my head. Now it’s on a loop. Sigh. Okay, so here’s the news I talked about last night.


    Nothing personal lightenup but even you and KFG couldn’t make up a rumor this good. :-D Breaking news (well, it was last night) our Dr Billy and I went to a black tie affair last night. It was our first. What we didn’t know was that he was one of three to be honored for his medical research. He received a cool looking platinum microscope (full sized) set on a black onyx base. It’s for his work on DNA structures and non-surgical cancer cell treatments. He, of course, is much too humble to brag on himself so I get the honor. (RAH! Dr. Billy) What’s in his lab notes today will some day be everyday treatment. Miles to go, he says, with a nod to Robert Frost, a personal favorite of his.

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  3. Missing large
    Gator007  about 13 years ago


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  4. Rudy gunmaster
    Zaristerex  almost 13 years ago

    Thankfully, I’m not in a salaried job which requires missing meals, but I always have to be vigilant in putting my health first and not my job.

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  5. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    “Who will work during working hours?” Very good question, Mr. Pinkley. One that will most likely never be answered. May the work force be with you.CONGRATULATIONS, Billy!!! That’s fantastic! As someone who lost a parent to cancer, I appreciate your hard work in fighting this devastating disease. You are selfless and inspiring, and I hope when you are famous that you don’t forget your Cathy friends… :-)Good morning, Aaron and Susan! Aaron, I hope you got that song out of your head and went back to sleep for a little bit. Hello to GsMom, Billy, KFG, gmforde, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!

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    Deezlebird  almost 13 years ago

    Well, as someone who is self employed and has worked through countless breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, let me tell you—if you aren’t willing to do it, the client will find someone else who will. And then you will have all the time to worry about your health that you want. Of course, then you will be worrying about paying the bills, which also isn’t healthy!

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  7. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  almost 13 years ago

    I’ve missed more meals than I can count (fires and/or EMS runs). That means eating at very odd hours sometimes. If I had a boss, or a client for that matter, who thought he/she was more important than me taking care of my diet and health, I’d find another job or another client. That’s poor planning and I’d be no slave to that crap. My hat’s off to those who need work badly enough to let a client be abusive. Is that mood/stress/heart attack/stroke worth it? Not for me. A 20 minute break from a job won’t kill anyone. Not taking it, and doing so again and again, will find a paramedic like me picking you up off the floor . . . or worse.


    lightenup I did go back to sleep around 4:30 and slept until 7:30. We’re off to shoot hoops for a while. Mom! I did find the Matthew Broderick Honda commercial on YouTube. Fantastic! :-D Billy will be around at some point tonight. Busy day ahead first.

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  8. Tvman
    gmforde  almost 13 years ago

    Congratulations to Dr. Billy! When I was working I gained more weight from being stressed out and having snacks way too handy. I would tell the boss not to make people work through meal breaks, unless he likes have to hear loudly growling stomachs. Then you have to deal with having food droppings all over the paperwork. lol

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  9. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    p.s. In case anyone wants to know, the rumor that I was going to spread about Billy was that after a week of rational Cathy comics, Billy had a moment of weakness and um, had a “dalliance” with Cathy, which resulted in her getting pregnant. Irving found out and although he stayed with Cathy and is claiming the baby as his own, they were nervous about the scandal and thus cancelled the strip. Since the cancellation of the strip, little Catherine Billie has been born and is remarkably normal.

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  10. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    To my last sentence, I should have added “…despite her maternal heritage” LOL!

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  11. 00160008
    Koolfunkygrrl  almost 13 years ago

    WOW!! Dr. Billy, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Being a doctor too I know how you feel, any chance I could borrow your microscope? j/k…..I’m really happy for you and good luck :D

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  12. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    @ KFG – I vote for you going into neurosurgery! That would be so cool! Although the kids would absolutely love you and your energy and sense of humor. Hmmm, hard decision…. :-)

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    BillyJL  almost 13 years ago

    In my short life of working at my field, I’ve never been asked to work through any meal. We also often solve a problem by getting out of the ‘office’ and brainstorm. I’m with Aaron on this one — anyone asking an employee or contractor to work through lunch or dinner is insensitive. You abuse the employee, you risk getting a half-a$$ed job done, or not done at all. A fine employer (mine is one) will insist on you taking care of you first and always.


    KFG I don’t now if I’ll be featured in a medical journal. I hope not. My job is 0.0000000000000001% done. My motivation is not a very fine award like I received last night. My motivation is watching my Aaron travel into his own personal hell for 9+ years and come back again to me. My boss made that happen. Now it’s my turn. And having lightenup’s daughters with a parent around since she didn’t have that privilege herself. Miles to go before I sleep, and taking the road less traveled. With a satisfying meal to help me along the way.

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  14. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah—personally, I’d much rather not starve than be sure to finish some big project at work..Hello, everyone.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Bless you, Dr. Billy. The world needs all the researchers it can get. I get to work with final products (ear related) and can’t believe how things have changed. I’ve been an audiologist for 27 years and have seen cochlear implants go from a dream to a reality.

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    Gretchen's Mom  almost 13 years ago

    Dr. Billy: Congratulations on winning such a prestigious award! Aaron isn’t the only one proud of you around here today . . . all your “Cathy” friends are too!!!!! Way to go and we can’t wait until you find the cure for cancer someday!



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    Gretchen's Mom  almost 13 years ago

    Snacking and eating at my desk while I worked because someone else’s constant “emergencies” became my problem is how I went from around 112 pounds when I first started that job to around 147 pounds when I was laid off 3 years later! Not good for someone who’s only 5’, 2-1/2" tall!!!!! :-(


    That was almost 14 years ago. Thankfully, once I became a stay-at-home wife and mom and got away from all that stress and food temptation, I was able to work my way back down the ladder until I got to my current weight range (which can be anywhere from 120 to 123 pounds). Not exactly 112 pounds anymore, but that’s okay. I’m pretty happy with where I’m at.


    Good evening, Aaron, Dr. Billy (congratulations again!), lightenup, K.F.G., Susan, hendelca, rgcviper, gmforde, and all the rest of the Cathy fanatics hanging out with us here tonight. As always, glad to “see” you all. Hope you’re having a great weekend! :-)


    GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

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    BillyJL  almost 13 years ago

    Sitting here by the fireplace, holding on to Little Muttley Beagle waiting for news over the Emergencies scanner that my Aaron is back from a fire. I don’t go to bed until I know he’s safe. Last night at the affair, the first thing I did was to put my award on the table where Aaron sat. Today we decided to send it on to NH, to my parents. It’ll be a surprise as they have no idea. I have Aaron, alive and healthy, which is all I ever want or need.


    20 minutes later. Aaron and crew back at the station. Onward to sleep. My many miles, for today, are done. Good night when you arrive. See you tomorrow.

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  19. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Billy, as a cancer survivor I can only salute what you are doing for cancer research!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! We can only hope that one day the disease will not be the terror that it is now.

    Hi to all Cathyites!! I don’t work through breakfast or lunch because I refuse to start work before noon anymore. (As a therapist I can do that.) I do work through the dinner hour, but come home to a warm dinner waiting for me thanks to my hubby who gets home earlier than I do and fixes dinner (with much better presentation than I ever achieved).

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