Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 05, 2012
Caption: Phone book in the dark ages: Indispensable reference guide to all friends, acquaintances and local businesses Phone book, in the information age: Cathy: What's a phone book? Mom: Cathy is calling information for the number of a deli to send over a salad! My failure as a role model is complete! She has a phone book right under her nose and a bag of lettuce in her refrigerator! She'd rather pay the phone company $1.00 to look up a number than spend five seconds looking it up in the phone book for free! She'd rather pay $7.00 to have a salad delivered than to dump the pre-washed lettuce she already over-paid for into a bowl! I've called information once in my life as a last resort after exhausting all other options! I've never had a vegetable delivered to my home, and never will! Dad: There, there...It's never as bad as you think. Voice (from phone): For 50 cents, we'll dial the number for you. Dad: It's usually worse. Mom: How can they emulate us so little, and blame us for so much?
artybee about 13 years ago
You can’t even look up a phone number on-line anymore without having to pay for it.Sucks.I still have my land-line.And an unlisted address.
ransomdstone about 13 years ago
The airlines and the phone company have the same motto, “Never give a sucker an even break.”
Zaristerex about 13 years ago
These days, more and more the “last resort” is the first resort.
lightenup Premium Member about 13 years ago
I still have a Yellow Pages in the cabinet, but rarely use it. My mom uses hers all the time. I’m guessing my kids won’t know what it is unless I tell them. Times change quickly…Good morning, Susan, Aaron and the other morning nuts! We didn’t go to church this morning because one child is sick and the other needed some sleep.Hello to GsMom, Billy, KFG, gmforde, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today! Hope you have a fun, relaxing Super Sunday, whether you like football or not!
gmforde about 13 years ago
Nowadays we can go to and not pay one penny for the number. Since we already pay for the internet, we don’t have to pay extra. Not everybody was in the local directory, which we still get every year. You pay the phone company to keep your number unlisted. What a scam. We rarely use the book. It still exists only so the phone company can make money on advertising.
notinksanymore about 13 years ago
There’s a free search app on my phone that will look up phone numbers and addresses for businesses, then I can either dial the number or get gps directions with the push of a button. No need for phone book or information. And I already pay for the internet so I can check e-mail on my phone, so it doesn’t really cost me anything.
NE1956 about 13 years ago
The only numbers I look up any more are those that come across my caller id as UNAVAILABLE or other such lame ID. They’re all scammers too. Billy and I are getting rid of the landline after our Verizon bundle expires in June. We have iPhones and no random number generator has ever dialed either of our numbers. is one we use once in a blue moon.
Home later than usual. Had breakfast with my overnight crew. Now to sleep . . .
BillyJL about 13 years ago
Isn’t it funny (funny strange, not funny ha ha) that nowadays people would rather pay to have technology do something they themselves could do for free.
Wow, that was kinda boring. I guess it what happens when I take a comic strip too seriously. GreggW we who hang out here rarely want to take Cathy et al too seriously. There’s no fun in that.
monawarner about 13 years ago
No. No. Mom had the punchline in the last panel. The kids find little to emulate and much to blame.
rgcviper about 13 years ago
Convenience vs. laziness … a fine line, isn’t it?
Happy Sunday, fellow “Cathy” nuts.
Koolfunkygrrl about 13 years ago
I still use my phone book…to kill spiders…hee hee, and will use it sometimes to look a number up. As for Cathy, should we really be surprised she’s so lazy? I don’t think so…LOL….Happy Sunday Lightenup, Aaron, Billy, Susan, Gretch’s ma ( see you tomorrow), gmforde, lindzcoop, Viper dude, Mona and all you other wonderful/crazy Cathy nuts :) Premium Member about 13 years ago
Great use KFG (spider killer). Hi to all the Cathyites!! I think elderlies have trouble with the “new” tech. A few days ago I helped someone who had been calling my home phone for several weeks actually find the right number for the person he was trying to call. That was the first time I’ve used the phone book for a long time, but it worked for him & he was very grateful.