Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 16, 2012
Charlene: Irving sent you roses and candy on Valentine's Day?? Cathy: What?? Who's been talking?? Andrea: Irving gave you roses, candy, a five carat ring and whisked you away in a limo?? Cathy: What?? Who's making up stories?? Woman: Irving flew into a jealous rage over the attention you lavished on his dog and called the whole thing off?? Cathy: What?? Who's spreading rumors? Movie stars have the "tabloids". The rest of us deal with the "blaboids".
lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Ha! Just wait for Twitter, Cathy. Rumors fly faster than the speed of light these days. And your every move will be recorded and put on display for everyone’s critical review. Makes me want to stay in my shell…Good morning, Susan and Aaron! I’m so sleepy this morning, I might go back to bed for an hour or so, which I hardly ever do.@ KFG – Congratulations on your results!! While I’m sure kids have A LOT of fun with you, you do need to be the calm and patient one when you’re the doc… ;-) You made me laugh with your comment about parents who don’t make their kids behave. I totally agree!! While my kids are far from perfect, I at least make an effort to make them do the right thing. I have NO patience for rude kids, which is not good when I’m leading a scout troop or having kids over to play. I just got into an argument with a kid 2 days ago about her behavior… oops… :-)@ – You late night posters are going to turn me into a twice a day poster… love it! It’s a good way to unwind at the end of the day. :-)Hello to GsMom, Billy, gmforde, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!
lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago
p.s. @ viperdude (as KFG calls you LOL!) – You’re sweet, and we’re glad you make a point to stop by. Love this group!@ – You’re hilarious with your comment about 19 years of wedded bliss! LOL!!!
NE1956 almost 13 years ago
Notice Cathy isn’t denying any of it. Her circle of friends should be far wiser than they are.
Yawn. Me too lightenup but at least I can sleep through the rainy day we’re having. Morning Susan – sorry I never got the chance to use AaronCupid. Ugh, I’m starting to fade. Off to bed . . .
noellasue almost 13 years ago
Not a comment on today’s strip, But does anyone remember the strip where Irving is leaving Cathy’s apartment and she offers him a piece of pie before he leaves. He declines and after he leaves, Cathy eats the rest of the pie. The next panel, Irving is back stating he thinks he WILL have a piece of that pie. I want to “pin” it to Pinterest, but have no idea where to find that particular strip.
noellasue almost 13 years ago
Thank you Aaron, I know I could go back and re-read every one of them, and I may have to.
BillyJL almost 13 years ago
We did something like this in a psych class I took in high school. The teacher told something to the first person. That person then told the person behind him/her. By the time the message got to the last person and back to the teacher, it had morphed into a life of its own.
Evening GsMom if you make it. Missing you. :-) Hi rcgviper and maybe later. KFG making plans. Nice. Hi lightenup if you come back later. :-) Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Hi to all Cathyites!! It’s amazing that this form of “gossip” doesn’t even have to be remotely credible anymore. Once upon a time, it had to at least have a kernel of truth to it!!
BillyJL almost 13 years ago
I don’t know why I noticed this, mostly because I’m a lame male guy with a short attention span, but check out the coloring error of the blonde’s outfit. And yeah, Cathy’s orange hair is annoying.
rgcviper almost 13 years ago
This comic hasn’t inspired a good ol’-fashioned eye roll from me for some time, but today did the trick. Not sure if that’s good or bad, though …
Thanks for the kind words, lightenup. I really enjoy “talking” to everyone here each night.
Hello to everyone else as well.
lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Just a quick hello to the evening crowd…@ Billy – Hey! Was that game called Telephone? And good catch on the blonde’s outfit – I missed that! (and you’re not lame!)@ GsMom … Hope all is well… haven’t heard from you in a few days – we miss you!
Gretchen's Mom almost 13 years ago
Don’t know what’s up with the * before Aaron’s name but everything “bolded” that I wanted so it’s all good.
Koolfunkygrrl almost 13 years ago
Good Evening :)…..LOL @ Cathy….talk about gossip!!…and I can relate….read on friends :)…THANK YOU to everyone that congratulated me, I’m really happy :) I’m really not the kind of person to ‘brag’ about stuff….I didn’t tell anyone at work today….when I was asked how my test went I said ‘fine’…..THEN I heard from 1 person that I was to be Chief of Staff, THEN it was I’m going to go to England to another hospital, AND I was going to live in a huge house w/ my dog too…LOL….LORDY!!! AND the best……..I’m going to study in Germany with another young doctor (male) fall in love with him, I guess he’s really good looking AND smart, and never come back to Alberta…….I guess we’re going to get married and have children….LOL………I didn’t say anything when I heard the rumours……..I’ll let everyone know the truth tomorrow…….LOL…….Hi y’all—-Lightenup yes kids annoy me, even my sisters’, all 5 of them LOL Billy from one doc to another, thank you :) Aaron who forgot to say ‘hi’ to me…whatever….:P j/k, Susan, lindzcoop, Gretch’s ma, helendeca(sp? sorry) Viperdude and the other Cathy nus that make me laugh :D
Koolfunkygrrl almost 13 years ago
@ Aaron and Dr. Billy Not sure if this is one of your regualr comics but you should check out ‘Working Daze’ Feb. 15, too cute :) ALSO Lightenup left you a note on ‘Stone Soup’….kale, yummy :)