Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 18, 2012

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    watmiwori  over 12 years ago

    That’s life — there’s no “right” group, ever.

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  2. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    Plump & Frumpy? New comedy act? Next up is Slim and Svelt. Nah, I won’t buy it. The only good act these days is Aaron and Billy. With an LMB on the side.


    PT day so off we go. LMB is gong to be my ‘weight belt’ substitute. Morning Susan and lightenup. Morning our lurker friends.

    hi mom!
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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I don’t think Cathy quite understands that she can be whatever she wants. She can still be in her “Confused & Complicated” group and that’s fine. Aack!Good morning, Aaron and Susan! Hope you all had a nice weekend, esp Aaron and Billy at the beach! Good luck with PT – you and LMB will be quite the pair. :-)Hello to GsMom, KFG, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, mollie, legaleagle and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!

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  4. Rudy gunmaster
    Zaristerex  over 12 years ago

    Panel 1 is wrong. Women have a worse view of themselves than ever before. Just look at Cathy!!

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  5. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    Join the club, Cathy. I always feel like I’m in the wrong grouptoo . . . no matter what “group” it is! But I’ve got a pretty great life and I’d rather be me than anyone else I know!!!!! ;-)



    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend at the shore! I love the beach, the ocean, palm trees . . . anything sunny and tropical! The peace and tranquility it brings me is absolutely priceless!!! I’m hoping to retire to Florida someday. I don’t know whether or not I’ll ever make it but the dream of being able to do so is what keeps me going some days! ;-)


    Good afternoon, lightenup, lightenupjr., K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, Willi Nilli, mollie05, Wolf Emperor, watmiwori and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here today. As always, good to “see” you all! Hope all the dads (and moms who are also “dads”) had a really great Father’s Day yesterday!!!!!

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  6. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Healthier as in Mental health, not physical health. You too can accept the fact that your Obese and will die an early death due to diabetes or heart failure, and also blow out all your leg joints.

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  7. Cinnie graduates
    soonergal Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I think I got in Cathy’s group by mistake, and I wish the magic fairy would wave her wand and correct this mistake!

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    I can proudly say I’m in the right group — male, with very little if any OCD about food, boyfriends, crazy moms, and shopping nightmares.


    Hullo rgcviper maybe later. hendelca too maybe. most definitely, and maybe even kittycatspawsare after we’re off to sleep. At least the shock of Monday after a 3-day weekend is over.

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    mollie05  over 12 years ago

    Good evening everyone, the years slipped by and here I am in the older group whether I like it or not!! I hear the beach calling to me for some renewal and peace of mind.

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  10. Cathy aack Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Hi Cathyites!! Wow I wonder who is giving us all this permission!! You can’t ever win — when I was a kid, I was taunted with the “skinny coop” and then, when I was in my 20s and still really skinny (@ 113 lbs), my first mother-in-law told me I would “always have a weight problem.” It doesn’t matter how thin you are, nobody looks good in those stupid bathing suits because they show areas that don’t look good on anybody unless they are air-brushed.

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    kittycatpawsare  over 12 years ago

    I used to be thin but that was years ago but now i’m fat and pretty happy.Don’t need a group i like me just fine.Hi to all the Cathy nuts out there A.M.&P.M.Aaron & Billy hope you had a good time at the shore.Aaron hope all goes well at PT and hi to LMB. <3 : )

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  12. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    There’s just no pleasing everyone, huh, Cathy?

    I’m catching up on last week’s comics after being out of town.

    Hello to Billy and everyone else.

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