Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 20, 2012

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    Bronzepony  over 12 years ago

    Someone should get her a cup of coffee!

    Good morning everyone – I´m honored to do the first comment today, it´s lunchtime in Europe now.

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  2. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    So Cathy is the center of the universe at work. Hmmm. Go figure.


    The center of my universe is shifted about 470 miles southwest, but we’ve adapted, mostly. His voice cracked last night when he said goodnight. LMB sat in my lap to make me feel better.


    Susan beat me by one whole minute. However, we have arrived :-). Morning lightenup have you got it together this morning? You registered a 5.1 on the Richter Scale by the way. :-D

    hi mom! How’s life?
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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    At least you are needed and in demand, so that’s a good thing, Cathy.I spent most of yesterday feeling around for the parts of my head and I think I’m all back together now, but for a while there, I was using Mr. Potato Head eyes.Hello Bronzepony and welcome to the Cathy nuts! Where are you in Europe? Hope you make us a part of your day!Good morning, Susan and Aaron! It’s almost the weekend!Hello to GsMom, Billy, KFG, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, mollie, AnonaMona, simpsonfan2, Hobbes and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!

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  4. Glamkitty
    AnonaMoaner  over 12 years ago

    I used to have a Mr Potato Head – and I had to have a real potato to bring him to life!

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  5. Cinnie graduates
    soonergal Premium Member over 12 years ago

    It’s days like this that make you just want to turn around and go home! Today, I feel for Cathy. Good morning, everyone!

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    mollie05  over 12 years ago

    What is this about “After 34 years, Cathy says Goodbye”? Is this the end of this strip now?

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    Bronzepony  over 12 years ago

    Thanks Susan Newman and Lightenup! I live in Germany, reading the strip and comments for a long time. Just felt it was time to join in now. Have a good weekend!

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  8. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  over 12 years ago

    Hi everyone. Just thought I would stop in to see how everyone is doing. Or maybe I should say ‘rolling’ in? I’ve seen the desserts posted here.Welcome Bronzepony

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    LOL! I can’t comment. Aaron’s Mr. Potato Head has me laughing too hard, tears running down my cheeks.

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    A quickie before saying goodnight: my folks are upgrading their Internet service and router over the weekend, possibly into next week. There may be interruptions in service so if you don’t see Aaron on, no worries. For those of you who know anything about Internet speed, they’re going from 50/25 to 150/65 so Dad can work at home more often.


    I’ll be on the road tomorrow through Wednesday next week on an NIH project. Probably won’t get online but I’ll try. No worries . . . we’re fine. Well, ’cept poor Mr. Potato Head because lightenup is being a little piggy with his poor eyes.

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  11. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    I, too, feel for Cathy today. Wonder if there’s a polite way to say “Buzz off, bozos!” … ? :)

    Happy Friday, all.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    Based on Cathy’s popularity this morning, maybe there really IS something to the statement she made on Monday regarding “No one could do what I do here!!” And to think I thought she was just being delusional!!!!! Who knew how close to the truth she apparently really was?!?!?! I sure didn’t!!!!!!!!!!


    HI, AARON & DR. BILLY!!!!!

    Life is a little better now that we’re back online regarding cable t.v. and internet service. We finally got some much-needed rain last night although not as much as I would have liked (approx. 4/10", our first really significant rainfall since June 1st, when we got 9/10" that day. We’ve had some traces of rain a few times since then but nothing all that helpful when we’re having such a drought) but along with it came some thunder and lightning, which knocked our service out until late this afternoon. If the cable company hadn’t had a last-minute cancellation today, you probably wouldn’t have seen me again until next Tuesday! Dealing with our cable company is NOT easy, that’s for sure. It sounds like we may not “see” much of the two of you for the next week. Just know that we’ll all be thinking about you and look forward to your return again soon!!!!!


    Welcome Bronzepony and Triviaguy! So glad you could both “stop by” and “see” us today!!!!!


    Good evening, lightenup, lightenupjr., K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, soonergal, Willi Nilli, Sauccy1121, Hobbes (if you should happen to drop by) and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here tonight. As always, great to “see” you all!

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  13. Cathy aack Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Hi Cathyites!! Poor Cathy — I remember when I worked in Children’s Protective Services — many days felt like this.

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    Koolfunkygrrl  over 12 years ago

    Cathy’s office is craaazy!!……I hate it when I’d come into the ER and people would come up to me and start talking away….my rule was as soon as I was done my Booster Juice is when people could talk to me… kinda worked…….anyway…….I did not post yesterday as I was ‘busy’ getting ready for Chile……got a massage…that’s hard work you know…lol….and a mani/pedi…….that’s REALLY hard work too …lol………j/k……anyway I’m all ready to go Sunday morning :) I’m spoiling myself tomorrow… I’m going out for every meal w/ friends so I don’t have to do any more dishes…..LOL…….lazy or resourceful…you tell me? LOL……Happy weekend to ….BILLY!!!!…..(thanks for the message yesterday, you’re as sweet as candy :)….Aaron, LMB, Lightenup (you ok my super hero sister? LOL)….Gretch’s Ma, Susan, lindzcoop, hendelca (have fun at the concert), serenaskitty, willinilli, VIPERDUDE!! :), mollie, kittycatspaw, soonergal and anyone else brave enough to wander into the bizzaro world of Cathy and leave w/ their sanity intact :)

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    kittycatpawsare  over 12 years ago

    Hi too all of the cathy nuts out there A.M. & P.M.Welcome Bronzepony we all are happy to have you join are little family here. : )

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