Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 24, 2012
Priest: As the bride and groom scale the climbing wall, they're saying "We ascend to a new life together!" As they cling to the rock and take their vows, they're saying," We risk everything for love!" As they rappel down, they're saying... Cathy: "LOOK HOW CUTE MY SKINNY LEGS LOOK IN THESE TEENSY LITTLE WHITE SHORTS!" Priest: No! "Leap of faith!" They're saying," We're taking a leap of faith!" Cathy: Can I help it if women always grasp the deeper meaning?
legaleagle48 over 12 years ago
Projecting much, Cathy? EYEROLL
mollie05 over 12 years ago
I think she’s jealous!!
BillyJL over 12 years ago
Women grasp the deeper meaning. Cathy lets reality slip from her grasp. Otherwise, a unique (and possibly fun) wedding. A rock wall. They must be related to Phineas and Ferb.
kittycatpawsare Yeah, all is well with us. Nothing major going on to bother us, thankfully. LMB has gotten in the swing of being a city pup again. I think he misses grampa though. Grampa and LMB are quite funny together.
hi mom! Still missing you :-)QuietStorm27 over 12 years ago
Who let Cathy get that close to the front? Good morning lightenup, Gretchensmom. Aaron, Legaleagle and the rest.
gmforde over 12 years ago
Leave it to Cathy to give the ceremony a dose of reality. lol
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
Some women may think that, Cathy, but only the truly nuts blurt it out in the middle of a wedding ceremony.LOL, Shyygirl! True! Security should be keeping a sharp eye on her…Good morning, morning crew… legaleagle, mollie, Billy, Aaron, Susan, Shyygirl and gmforde!Billy, you were up early this morning (or you couldn’t sleep)!Hello to the friends to arrive later… GsMom, KFG, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, AnonaMona, Bronzepony, simpsonfan2, tegm, catsarge10, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, Molly mcgee, Teresa, mar mar in MI and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!
AnonaMoaner over 12 years ago
Ah, Cathy – I think this time you might be right! Put it this way – I bet the bride won’t celebrate her silver wedding in shorts.
(Nor the groom. Time can be unkind to all sexes.)
catsarge10 over 12 years ago
The deeper meaning that I’m grasping is that the bride and groom are pretty “high” on themselves. I imagine that a big percentage of the guests are thinking, “Oh, brother.” Well that’s what I’d be thinking. Hope everyone is enjoying as beautiful of a fall day as we are here in Georgia!
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Obviously Cathy has no clue about the deeper meaning. Pretending does not make it true.
lightenup you’re right. Billy was up a bit early. Normally 5:30 to 5:45, depending on LMB’s need to go out and / or to have breakfast.
Hi Cathyites far and wide.
Hi mom!Molly mcgee over 12 years ago
Does it look like Irving has hair in P2??Cathy has to be happy she didn’t stay with this guy! Can you see her climbing up that wall?? NOT!!!
Lightenup, how are Jr and lil doing in school? tell ’em hi!Hi to all clan. Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi Cathyites!! — LOL Susan too funny!! Also Molly — NO, I can’t see Cathy climbing that wall — ever!! I also can’t see myself doing it — a few pirouettes maybe, but no wall climbing (except maybe when I’m mad).
rgcviper over 12 years ago
Wall climbing DURING a wedding? Seriously?
Well, one the one hand, the idea is kinda cool, if out there.
On the other, though, I’ll just give my usual [eye-roll] to Cathy.
Sheesh—here at this comic, we have enough eye-rolls for every other strip in existence!
Hello to everyone in the “Cathy Clan”. I firmly believe we have the best discussion group here on GoComics.
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
Cathy should thank her lucky stars she decided to dump Alex when she did or this might be her (attempting) to climb this rock wall right now instead. Boy! Wouldn’t that just be a real sight to see?!?!?!? ;-)
lightenup: How did your meeting go yesterday?
Good evening, lightenupjr., lil’lightenup, Dr. K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, catsarge10, millie p, soonergal, Bronzepony, Molly mcgee, simpsonfan2, Shyygirl27, Violet Bay, AndiJ, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, summerdog, Terri, ruizuno1, Wolf Emperor, FinnyGirl, ellisaana, marmar in MI, J. Short and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here tonight. As always, it’s really great to “see” you all and if you’re new here . . . WELCOME TO CATHY’S NUTHOUSE!!!!! GLAD YOU’RE JOINING IN ON ALL THE FUN!!!!! ;-)