What about green bean casserole? Does this finicky person slice and fry her own onion rings too? I have at least 6 church lady cookbooks (wedding gifts from assorted Mn and IA aunts) and every single one would be a pamphlet instead of a book without canned cream soups,l gelatin/fake whipped cream, and canned fruits and veggies.
Sauces are pretty easy, though. Butter, milk, flour. Browned onions and mushrooms, cheese, whatever seems appropriate. If it’s just a white sauce or a cheese sauce, a microwave is all you need. Good to know when you run out of canned soups.
Some have different comforts when ‘whipping up’ their Comfort Food. ’It’s how Grandma made it. I feel her presence when I make it like this.’ I get that feeling when I make Bean Soup from scratch.
Your comic recipe series back in 2019 was the way I learned to make hotdish. I put it together into a composite. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHkxEwEWsAEAaeT?format=jpg&name=4096×4096 When my brother is around, leftovers don’t last – he absorbs them quickly.
Exactly. It’s not a hot dish if it’s not made from processed convenience ingredients. I do stuff like that with ramen. You can put almost anything in it and make a single serving in the microwave in 5 minutes.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 1 year ago
Such a purity test benefits no one. Make yours your way, and the hoity-toity gal can make her veloute from scratch if she wants.
Janet Gamble Premium Member over 1 year ago
It’s not a competition Dan…now pass me the sparklers!
Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) creator over 1 year ago
Panel 2. The cats don’t care.
What’s Dan reading?
arolarson Premium Member over 1 year ago
What about green bean casserole? Does this finicky person slice and fry her own onion rings too? I have at least 6 church lady cookbooks (wedding gifts from assorted Mn and IA aunts) and every single one would be a pamphlet instead of a book without canned cream soups,l gelatin/fake whipped cream, and canned fruits and veggies.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 1 year ago
Sauces are pretty easy, though. Butter, milk, flour. Browned onions and mushrooms, cheese, whatever seems appropriate. If it’s just a white sauce or a cheese sauce, a microwave is all you need. Good to know when you run out of canned soups.
goboboyd over 1 year ago
Some have different comforts when ‘whipping up’ their Comfort Food. ’It’s how Grandma made it. I feel her presence when I make it like this.’ I get that feeling when I make Bean Soup from scratch.
ericlscott creator over 1 year ago
Philosophy from scratch.
Mr. Impatient over 1 year ago
There goes Dan being all sensible and such.
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
It is interesting to try new dishes. I once made Beef Bourguignon. It took eight hours. It was delicious - but not eight-hours delicious. :)
HarpGirl over 1 year ago
Your comic recipe series back in 2019 was the way I learned to make hotdish. I put it together into a composite. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHkxEwEWsAEAaeT?format=jpg&name=4096×4096 When my brother is around, leftovers don’t last – he absorbs them quickly.
R.U. Kidding over 1 year ago
I think the Fighting Schwa could go all the way this year!
willie_mctell over 1 year ago
Exactly. It’s not a hot dish if it’s not made from processed convenience ingredients. I do stuff like that with ramen. You can put almost anything in it and make a single serving in the microwave in 5 minutes.
splinterexpert over 1 year ago
No. Such. Thing.
davewhamond creator over 1 year ago
I used to make canned vegetables and soup in college. But I substituted canned vegetables with noodles. And I thought I was being hoity-toity.