It’s a thing! Thirty years ago I helped exercise some polo ponies—20 times around a 1/4 mile track, riding one and ponying another, at a brisk hand gallop. Easy, right? Except I would get so tired and oxygen deprived that I would lose count—I literally could not count to 20!
I miss being able to run. I was never very fast, but was, 30+ years ago able to get in a few marathons done. Now, these many years and multiple surgeries on both knees later, the only places I run to are the store or the bathroom.
You can get heat stroke – in the shade! High temps and high humidity make for a deadly mixture. I felt woozy and yet I would have pressed on. It was my watch that told me that my heart rate was way too high for standing and stooping. Over 150 BPM.
It’s nice that Harrell drew Adam more and more stout, and I noticed that a few months ago about his girth…Just shows how long a storyline percolates in an author’s mind…
But, in real life, no one should take up running just like that. It has to start with a warm up and a short walk, maybe 5 to 10 minutes away and the same length of time to return home and do a cool down. All of it taking about half an hour. Then as a person becomes more swift, the walk will be longer in distance but the same length in time. Try to work up to half an hour away from home and half an hour to come back. All the while not forgetting the warm up and cool down. You will discover that after about half a year, you will cover about 5 to 10 miles in that time, and by then you will be running not walking…
seanfear over 1 year ago
…. he’s sweating because he was eating too much !
ronaldspence over 1 year ago
Pace yourself Adam, pace yourself!
C over 1 year ago
Easy does it, big guy
SHIVA over 1 year ago
As predicted, always has his mind on junk food!!!
Enter.Name.Here over 1 year ago
Stick to one word replies for the first 15 minutes.
LeslieBark over 1 year ago
It’s a thing! Thirty years ago I helped exercise some polo ponies—20 times around a 1/4 mile track, riding one and ponying another, at a brisk hand gallop. Easy, right? Except I would get so tired and oxygen deprived that I would lose count—I literally could not count to 20!
snsurone76 over 1 year ago
Just hit the shower, Adam. And don’t forget to lock the bathroom door to keep those brats out!!
LawrenceS over 1 year ago
Hydrate, Man, hydrate!
Just-me over 1 year ago
I miss being able to run. I was never very fast, but was, 30+ years ago able to get in a few marathons done. Now, these many years and multiple surgeries on both knees later, the only places I run to are the store or the bathroom.
FassEddie over 1 year ago
You can get heat stroke – in the shade! High temps and high humidity make for a deadly mixture. I felt woozy and yet I would have pressed on. It was my watch that told me that my heart rate was way too high for standing and stooping. Over 150 BPM.
Prey over 1 year ago
Are we sure his name isn´t Morris?
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 1 year ago
His whole life is a delirium………..
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Yeeeeah. I’m thinking it might have been a little too hot out there for a run. Hit the showers iron man.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Adam made perfect sense in the third panel
1JennyJenkins over 1 year ago
It’s nice that Harrell drew Adam more and more stout, and I noticed that a few months ago about his girth…Just shows how long a storyline percolates in an author’s mind…
But, in real life, no one should take up running just like that. It has to start with a warm up and a short walk, maybe 5 to 10 minutes away and the same length of time to return home and do a cool down. All of it taking about half an hour. Then as a person becomes more swift, the walk will be longer in distance but the same length in time. Try to work up to half an hour away from home and half an hour to come back. All the while not forgetting the warm up and cool down. You will discover that after about half a year, you will cover about 5 to 10 miles in that time, and by then you will be running not walking…
cuzinron47 over 1 year ago
Laura, you might want to check the proprietor of the donut shop to see if he made it past there.
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
Wear a hat, doofus.
eb110americana over 1 year ago
Put Adam in front of a computer. Maybe he’ll actually write something salvageable this time.