The Claims Adjuster was supposed to come today. But he was t-boned at an intersection about a mile from here. Vegas traffic is like driving in a Demolation Derby.
Wow! I must have gotten 7 or 8 strokes down Panther’s back when I was feeding them their canned cat food a few hours ago! I had to do a double take to see if it was really Panther I was petting and not Raven. But Raven, being a kitten, is smaller. Panther was doing like her mom, Annie does, head butting and rubbing up against other cats, so I had a chance to stroke her while she wasn’t noticing me. I actually had not even started dishing up their food when I reached down and petted Panther. And she even arched her back while I petted her. And she watched as I got a few strokes down Anni’s back, too. Getting to pet Panther made my day! Maybe by Christmas, I’ll be able to pick her up. But I can be patient. It will take as long as it takes.
Raven is well settled in and likes to play with my feet while I’m in bed. That kid has sharp claw sand if she doesn’t stop hurting me, she’s going to get a nail trim. She’s awfully sweet, though. Her favorite playmate is Molly (the one I called Oliver until I found out she’s a girl).
Let’s see if I can do this without getting kicked into touch again.
For anyone who needs to identify the cats I modified a GH strip quite a while ago now. You should be able to work out how to modify this next bit of text to see the image: i (Dot) imgur (Dot) com (Forward slash) 06jl8lT (Dot) jpg
Might be an idea to save yourself a copy for future reference, if the pointer to the location works, that is.
I received an email this morning, Graham has produced a “Spend the Year with Oliver!” 2024 Calendar. It’s on Amazon in the US & UK sites, and while I can’t post a link to it, what you can do is go to Amazon and search the site for B0CH23W881 and that should find it for you. I’ve just ordered one as I’m hoping it might become Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Simon likes the cleaning person, but hates her vacuum. If she walks in without it, he’s cool. let her drag it in, though, and he can hear the sound, and he’s off for the safety of under the bed!
It took a little bit for my cat to get used to the roomba. After a few days she was out on the porch & watched it & realized it couldn’t get up on anything, then she saw how it moved & while she usually stay up some place, if I come home & put down treats, she knows how to get passed it to get to the litchen & up on the bench where her treats are.When I do take out the hand held. she’s gone.
Can’t say I blame cats for not liking vacuum cleaners, as they are way too noisy. It’s impossible to watch TV while someone is vacuuming. Still, they do serve a very good purpose, which is keeping thing clean. No one wants to live in a dusty house, after all. On another note, saw three juncos, four rabbits, and a dragonfly while out walking today.
B4ItNs over 1 year ago
Had a cat that came when the vacuum cleaner was in use to be vacuumed off, only wish I had others that were that easy to groom!
DennisinSeattle over 1 year ago
Route Nine, or This Side Up, whoever you are: You should sell something else! Like fish or cheese!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 1 year ago
The Claims Adjuster was supposed to come today. But he was t-boned at an intersection about a mile from here. Vegas traffic is like driving in a Demolation Derby.
GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member over 1 year ago
Laughingkitty forgive me, but today is:
Star Trek day! ☺❣️
Red Bird over 1 year ago
Vacuum cleaners can’t be trusted. They are pure evil.
laughingkitty over 1 year ago
Today is:
Star Trek Day
World Ampersand Day &National Pediatric Hematology/oncology Nurses Day
laughingkitty over 1 year ago
Wow! I must have gotten 7 or 8 strokes down Panther’s back when I was feeding them their canned cat food a few hours ago! I had to do a double take to see if it was really Panther I was petting and not Raven. But Raven, being a kitten, is smaller. Panther was doing like her mom, Annie does, head butting and rubbing up against other cats, so I had a chance to stroke her while she wasn’t noticing me. I actually had not even started dishing up their food when I reached down and petted Panther. And she even arched her back while I petted her. And she watched as I got a few strokes down Anni’s back, too. Getting to pet Panther made my day! Maybe by Christmas, I’ll be able to pick her up. But I can be patient. It will take as long as it takes.
Raven is well settled in and likes to play with my feet while I’m in bed. That kid has sharp claw sand if she doesn’t stop hurting me, she’s going to get a nail trim. She’s awfully sweet, though. Her favorite playmate is Molly (the one I called Oliver until I found out she’s a girl).
More_Cats_Than_Sense over 1 year ago
Let’s see if I can do this without getting kicked into touch again.
For anyone who needs to identify the cats I modified a GH strip quite a while ago now. You should be able to work out how to modify this next bit of text to see the image: i (Dot) imgur (Dot) com (Forward slash) 06jl8lT (Dot) jpg
Might be an idea to save yourself a copy for future reference, if the pointer to the location works, that is.
More_Cats_Than_Sense over 1 year ago
I received an email this morning, Graham has produced a “Spend the Year with Oliver!” 2024 Calendar. It’s on Amazon in the US & UK sites, and while I can’t post a link to it, what you can do is go to Amazon and search the site for B0CH23W881 and that should find it for you. I’ve just ordered one as I’m hoping it might become Christmas gifts for friends and family.
jessegooddoggy over 1 year ago
Why is Route Nine anywhere near vacuum cleaners?
FrannieL Premium Member over 1 year ago
My two run for their lives the minute the sweeper hose for the central vac is pulled out of the closet. They know the drill.
darcyandsimon over 1 year ago
Simon likes the cleaning person, but hates her vacuum. If she walks in without it, he’s cool. let her drag it in, though, and he can hear the sound, and he’s off for the safety of under the bed!
WDemBlk Premium Member over 1 year ago
It took a little bit for my cat to get used to the roomba. After a few days she was out on the porch & watched it & realized it couldn’t get up on anything, then she saw how it moved & while she usually stay up some place, if I come home & put down treats, she knows how to get passed it to get to the litchen & up on the bench where her treats are.When I do take out the hand held. she’s gone.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 1 year ago
That’s my Kiki. She vanishes into he shadows.
tad1 over 1 year ago
tad1 over 1 year ago
Can’t say I blame cats for not liking vacuum cleaners, as they are way too noisy. It’s impossible to watch TV while someone is vacuuming. Still, they do serve a very good purpose, which is keeping thing clean. No one wants to live in a dusty house, after all. On another note, saw three juncos, four rabbits, and a dragonfly while out walking today.