PreTeena by Allison Barrows for October 04, 2013

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    jgarrott  over 11 years ago

    Love it! Considering what the actual data says, thatā€™s the major source of ā€œglobal warming/climate change.ā€

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    Wren Fahel  over 11 years ago

    In my drama class in high school (about a million years ago) we actually had an assignment where, partnered up, we had to have a conversation consisting of one person only saying ā€œredā€ and the other, ā€œblueā€.

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    jcm1655  over 11 years ago

    Must have been a lot of people back in the ICE- age. LOL LOL actual BULL data.

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    Weakstream   over 11 years ago

    How can she turn her head all the way `round

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    jimguess  over 11 years ago

    Whew! You just expended a lot of ā€˜hot airā€™ saying nothing the proves ā€˜man madeā€™ global warming.

    No, you didnā€™t offend me. You just didnā€™t look at the facts.

    There is a book available with this title: ā€œThe politically incorrect guide to scienceā€ Get it. Read it. Learn.

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    ScretWitch  over 11 years ago

    I was just thinking this could be updated and insert ā€œCongressā€ for global warming. It could still be called ā€œHot Air.ā€

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    lbatik  over 11 years ago

    Gosh, I am always amazed at how many people (who never studied physics or geology past high school) somehow think they have a good enough grasp of the data to out-think the people who did the extensive work on the physical basis of global warming which actually informs the IPCC report.

    Saying that climate change has happened naturally over the eathā€™s history, therefore it cannot be humans driving it now, is about the same as saying that people die naturally all the time, so you canā€™t say that people with guns have killed anyone. What demonstrates that humans have been driving the climate change we are having now is actually pretty simple, once you drill down into it:

    1. We know from physics and from examination of past climates that greenhouse gases provide a feedback that drives warming. There is no reason to think that the physics of heat retention somehow no longer work the same way.

    2. Solar output started levelling off or dropping about 50 years ago ā€” although we still have the 11-year solar cycles, even the peaks of the cycles do not reach the solar output of previous decades or centuries. However, the trend with temperature here on earth has continued to go upward.

    Scientists are not stupid, they are the ones who study past climates to try to understand this one; and believe me, they have a far better understanding than the general undereducated punter commenting on these boards. Only one thing that the deniers here have said is true: nothing you say on these boards has any effect at all on reality.

    Sadly, the reality as described by the actual evidence, is that global warming, and the result of global warming which is climate change, are both real and driven by human activities. Your self-assured but seriously wrong opinions change nothing about that.

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    Global warming produces more hot air in political circles than all the other carbon sources combined. Just another ā€œproblemā€ seeking a taxpayer-funded solution. ā€œMore researchā€ needed, and by people who do not produce a product anyone would willingly buy.

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    The upsides of purportedly-anthropogenic global warming: (1) fewer people will die prematurely from hypothermia, and(2) beach-front buying opportunities in northern Canada.

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    JLG Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I love PreTeena, but this strip is a real black mark on Allison Barrowsā€™ resume. I saw it years ago and never forgot it. It belies the kind of willful ignorance that in the end truly is, because of the seriousness of the stakes involved, unforgiveable. Willful ignorance is always an ugly thing, but when it requires a hostility to science and real-world evidence as stark as this, itā€™s a particularly bad look.

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    Dr Lou Premium Member over 11 years ago

    This has become really, really tiresomeā€¦.and outright foolish.

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