La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 28, 2023

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    RadioDial Premium Member over 1 year ago

    (are we all protesting by not going to the comment section?)

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    leonardonyc  over 1 year ago

    I still dont know what Lalo is speaking of!! I actually have 5 friends the have more than one oscar, 3 Mexicans 2 Spaniards and there are so many latinos/hispanics in all areas of hollywood … im more worried about the lack of representation of blacks and Asians in american mariachi bands

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    mistercatworks  over 1 year ago

    It’s probably because most Latinos, like other people, go to a movie for entertainment. They don’t go to movies that are not entertaining. People don’t go to the movies to have their ethnicity or politics vindicated. They are LOTS of other places for that.

    I had a friend who was white, beautiful, classically trained as an actress and her father was Dean of an art department at a university. She couldn’t get movie roles. The competition is extremely fierce.

    Choose your battles.

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    SammySnyder  over 1 year ago

    The Spy Kids franchise was successful because it was entertaining and included talented actors, not because it featured many Latino actors. If people were more concerned about the quality of shows and less concerned about Diversity and Equity, the industry would be better off.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I think Lin-Manuel Miranda demonstrated pretty successfully in Hamilton that the thing that audiences appreciate most is a high-quality performance, not an exact match of ethnicity between actor and character.

    I’ve seen interesting fact-based comparisons of the physical sizes of actor Tom Cruise (small) and character Jack Reacher (huge), but that didn’t seem to do much damage to the movie’s box office.

    I find myself wondering if there’s a comparable report about Hollywood’s employment of people with disabilities. I don’t remember seeing many Michael Jordan biopics where the lead character was portrayed by someone in a wheelchair.

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