Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 06, 2009
Homer: Um... a little help, please? God: I do enjoy these circuitous routes you and Duncan take to enlightenment, Homer. Dog: Well, it makes me dizzy. Homer: It's not my fault, Bert! Through the usual dense fog, something unusual catches the attention of a lone hunter from the Mi'Kmaq tribe. The year, by our calendar, is A.D. 492. Staying hidden in the shadows of the pine trees, he tries to figure out what this thing is as it drifts in with the tide. Closer now, he can hear eerie creaks and groans through the dead silence of the fog. Old campfire tales of sea monsters race through the hunter's mind as the thing slowly emerges from the fog. Frozen in both fear and curiosity, he can now clearly see... that there were going to be a lot more questions. Homer's Life in the Dark Ages resumes...
carmy over 15 years ago
Hi Homer!
moonrise293 over 15 years ago
Thank you, Wiley. We have missed Homer and Duncan.
sosreality over 15 years ago
homer! it has been to long!
ninmas over 15 years ago
this is a great one!
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Love the artwork, especially the hunter’s eyes.
Rodney99 over 15 years ago
Tsk. “Tourists”…
yumitori over 15 years ago
Um, 492 AD? That’s only about 500 years too early for a Norse landing in North America. The Viking Age won’t even start for 300 years.
Way to mess up history, Homer.
David_J Premium Member over 15 years ago
Those first four panels are choice. Nice work.
Illusionzone over 15 years ago
And I enjoy these circuitous routes Wiley takes us on through beautifully-drawn comicscapes!
miniwidge over 15 years ago
one small, supposedly insignificant note.. THANK YOU for saying A.D. 492 instead of 492 A.D.
A.D… “Ano Domini” or “In the Year of Our Lord”… PREFACES a date. I know, I know.. I’m a bit obsessive about this, but I was taught “A.D. (year)” way back in the stone age of school and it bugs me that even Newspapers and quality magazines (like Time) get it incorrect. Sorry, yumitori, you too.
Wiley creator over 15 years ago
“Um, 492 AD? That’s only about 500 years too early for a Norse landing in North America. The Viking Age won’t even start for 300 years. Way to mess up history, Homer.”
That’s the point of this story, which you will see, that Homer’s accidental arrival to this continent predates the arrival of Norsemen.
You see, it’s a comic strip, not a history book.
crlinder over 15 years ago
I think he chose A.D. 492 because it’s 1000 years before Columbus. Just a guess of course.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
if you can’t mess up history in a comic, where can you? (mess it up that is.)
Nelly55 over 15 years ago
can’t wait to see what homer is up to now!
i_am_the_jam over 15 years ago
I don’t get it.
bmonk over 15 years ago
AD 492: Hmmmm…the Saxons (plus Frisians, Angles, Jutes) were the barbaric tribes with the longboats.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
Will this somehow change the lyrics to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song?”
tchickadee over 15 years ago
Wow I had no idea there were so many people who think like I think. Premium Member over 15 years ago
Thanx Wiley for bringing Homer back – my favorite!! Any way to go back and see the beginnings of Homer? I know Ihave the book, but I would like to be able to save them on-line.
sendelbachvernon34 28 days ago
and an exact thousand years before Columbus