Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 22, 2023

  1. Deck of cards
    SNVBD  about 1 year ago

    “….but trickle down economics!” :-/

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  2. Wcfields
    Funny_Ha_Ha  about 1 year ago


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    Alabama Al  about 1 year ago

    The really funny thing is that Hollingsworth Hound’s underlings (seen in the background), who undoubtedly worked extra hours without additional pay to help enact Hound’s desires, mostly get screwed along with Lucky Ducky.

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    Space_cat  about 1 year ago

    Key a Bentley for Jesus!

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    Space_cat  about 1 year ago

    If only the MAGA faithful would direct their imagined grievances at the very people who invented them to easily distract them with fear and dog whistles while they bribed GOP politicians to rob the working class of $50 TRILLION since 1980 and give it to them for “safe keeping” since what would we ever do with all that money? It’s not like we have dreams, aspirations, hopes for a secure life with enough to live on & build wealth? The very nerve of wanting a college education for their children, or God forbid, a HOUSE! Or savings in the bank, or a new car. And the worst demon they fear besides having to pay taxes, is YOU having a good paying UNION JOB, with protections and decent benefits.These people weren’t happy with simply being VERY RICH, they wanted to be MORBIDLY RICH. Each year, they pour millions into dark money PACS to make sure the GOP produces policies that ENRICH them and ROB YOU! Since 1980, they’ve been cutting the rungs from the ladder of success, In 2024, they are coming to burn the rails. The ONLY way to become like them is to inherit, or somehow become one of them by luck. Heaven forbid things should be fair, and what you would actually consider fair, they scream “Communism!”, why do they fear it so? If you really read up on it, The very wealthy are the ONLY ones who do not benefit from so-called communism. Social democracy, which favors the working class heavily, somehow has been given this brand. Your neighbors aren’t your enemies. It’s the greedy Jerks in mansions, with fancy cars & closets the size of your APARTMENT full of luxury goods, that rightfully should be YOURS! Why do the oil companies receive $600 Billion in government handouts when they are recording RECORD PROFITS by making you p$4 a gallon for gas? While you only qualify for $15 in SNAP benefits because your minimum wage job is “too much money”?

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    Decepticomic  about 1 year ago

    Capitalism sucks, no more landlords, decommodify housing, and #LandBack.

    I think that about covers it. Happy holidays.

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    e.groves  about 1 year ago

    That’s one lucky duck.

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    Stopthespendingnow  about 1 year ago

    What a great idea, Reuben! As Houndsworth’s private wealth management advisor I’m going to suggest that he also lobby the city council to begin collecting property taxes from homeless squatters living under tarps in “tent cities”. Failure to pay results in eviction, just like EVERYONE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES.

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    Well.....drink some of this! Premium Member about 1 year ago

    So glad I found “Tom the Dancing Bug” and added it to cue. Snarky and on point.

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    Christopher Shea  about 1 year ago

    Not everyone can have a “friend” gift them a $250,000 RV like Clarence Thomas.

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    PoodleGroomer  about 1 year ago

    Who knew that the Boy Scout tarp improvisation tents training and cheap imported toy tents would be useful in real life?

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    patrickab7  about 1 year ago

    Oooh, that Lucky Ducky!

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    Mike Baldwin creator about 1 year ago

    Tell it like it is. Well Done!

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  14. Js bunny avatar
    JoeStrike  about 1 year ago

    This one hurt to read, because there are now 3 homeless people living on the sidewalk between my apartment and the subway. (My sister tells me there are people living under every LA highway overpass .) My real estate lawyer friend confirms Hollingsworth’s “buy up apartments to keep them off the market” strategy is real.

    Then I read about MULTI-billionaires who can “purchase” a Supreme Court justice or two with what is likely pocket change to them…why the f**k do we allow multi-billionaires to even exist in the first place?!

    Something is seriously, sickly wrong in the US when the corporate media doesn’t bother to cover this – it’s just a fact of life, like the weather (which IS extensively covered by that media). Meanwhile, the crypto-fascist right keeps people distracted with BS like the “threat” of “woke” to the US, gays “grooming” kids simply by existing, etc.

    I think the real dif between progressives and the reactionary/fascist movement is that progressives “punch up” at powerful people who’ve gamed the system, while reactionaries punch down at the weak and powerless – like Hollingsworth’s anger at Lucky Ducky.

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    Steve Dallas  about 1 year ago

    Yet, it is often the progressive side of the aisle that wants to zone everything, all in the name of the environment,etc.

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    MĂ iri  about 1 year ago

    Okay, we all know what the problem is and what the solution should be.

    So what are we going to do about it, and when do we start? Nothing? Never?

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    markkahler52  about 1 year ago


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