Clay Bennett for December 30, 2023

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    rekam Premium Member 6 months ago


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  2. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 months ago

    She deserves all the derision she gets.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 6 months ago

    What’s the big deal?

    Nikki Haley, or whatever her name is, is a Republican. Republicans are simply not good at things like history, economics, civics, or really anything that has to do with governing.

    So, it’s kind of unfair to expect her to know what the Civil War was about. I mean, at least she knew there WAS a Civil War, even if she didn’t know why it was fought and who won and all that.

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  4. Caringbridge avatar best
    lalapalooza Premium Member 6 months ago

    Is that her Ugly Christmas Sweater?

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  5. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  6 months ago

    When I was in school, back in the 1950s (in SoCal, no less), I was taught specifically that the Civil War was not fought over slavery! It was fought over “State’s Rights”; and, naive child that I was, I accepted what the adults told me, and thought no more about something so long ago and so far away. Decades later I discovered that the “State’s Rights” that so many Americans died to protect was the “right” to own other human beings! Then I found out that the war for Texas “Independence” was fought for the same reason—Mexico did not allow slavery, Texans wanted their slaves, so they fought to kick Mexico out of its own land and to bring Texas into the Union as a slave state. The only way we can grow as a people is to acknowledge that we did shameful things in the past and to work to make such things impossible for us to do in the future—not to hate our country, but to love it enough to put in the HARD work to make it the best it can be!

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    knutdl  6 months ago

    WTF or WTH

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 6 months ago

    Civil War is an oxymoron!

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    phritzg Premium Member 6 months ago

    So Nikki turns out to be just another GQP politician who will say anything to try to get elected. She learned a little about slavery while in New Hampshire, though; she got owned by a 9 year old boy.

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  9. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    74,000,000, this is her dance interpretation of what she thinks you can handle.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  6 months ago

    A picture is a thousand words

    This strip is like a novel

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 6 months ago

    I am eating this up with a spoon. She would make a perfect VP for Lard-O-Lago now.

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    The Nodding Head  6 months ago

    What Nikki Haley stands for: nothing. She seems willing to say whatever might work to her political advantage. “Flip-flopping” doesn’t really convey the sheer cynicism with which she has shifted her rhetoric and changed her positions on everything. —Paul Krugman.

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    VAS66  6 months ago

    Republicans are simply not good at things like history, economics, civics, or really anything that has to do with governing. Are you kidding…and Biden is? Biden’s “Governing” record; oil Dependence raising gas prices, Open Border Policy costing the tax payer billions of dollars, inflation rate well above the average tax payers income, disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and dismal Education record. The only positive thing he has done is go on vacations and keep his son out of jail by using the DOJ as a political weapon.

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  14. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 6 months ago

    Banana republicans.

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    calsafe Premium Member 6 months ago

    Really. Doesn’t everybody the republican party is racist?

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    ladykat  6 months ago

    Who she?

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    davidthoms1  6 months ago

    Her pledge to pardon Trump is the bigger problem!

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    Biden got caught, again! Cheated in law school. Got caught. Lied about his grades. Got caught. Plagiarized his speeches. Got caught. Lied about his GPA. Got caught. Lied about his scholarships. Got caught. Sold Vice Presidents office to China. Got caught. Sold the Vice President’s office to Ukraine. Got caught. Committed Quid Pro Quo to save his crackhead son. Got caught. Framed General Flynn. Got caught. Rigged the 2020 election. Got caught. Used the DOJ / FBI as his personal hit squad. Got caught.

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    winowino Premium Member 6 months ago

    Really well done. Mr. Bennett!

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    Maybe I’m old fashioned but I prefer the old days when the President and the Village idiot were two different people.

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  21. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 6 months ago

    I was moderately shocked, yes the “understanding” of the primary motivations of the Civil War are off base, but it was the political mistake of not knowing a better answer or avoiding the question.

    Back in the 2016 cycle I had the chance to attend an event where she spoke and you got her book. The tight correlation between her talking points, even during Q&A, and the book were amazing. I thought she was a better “politician”, more in control than this episode. Regardless of her policies.

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    DEACON FRED  6 months ago

    This is why the Repubs wants to ban certain books. If I remember correctly, didn’t we fight Germany who was doing the very same thing?

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    packfadden  6 months ago

    She is a RINO.

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  24. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  6 months ago

    This “state rights” being the cause of the Civil War is total bunk. Ever hear of the Dred Scott decision? The decision stated that slaves were property, and no American could be deprived of his/her property.

    That meant that someone could buy a slave in, say, Alabama, bring that slave to, say, Massachusetts, have that enslaved person work as a slave in Massachusetts, and there was nothing that the Massachusetts governor, legislature, or courts could do about it. The decision, then, deprived free states like Massachusetts of their right to be a free state.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 6 months ago

    That choice between Nicky and trump is getting harder and harder. I do hope folk realize the only sane choice is to vote blue. Hold your nose if you have to.. but vote blue.

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Why does she identify as a slave holding Confederate instead of an American?

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    DC Swamp  6 months ago

    Leftists usually only address people who represent a political threat. Notice we have not seen any DeSantis cartoons in months. Nikki is rising in the polls, and a Haley/Biden matchup shows her leading significantly.

    The leftists are trying everything they can do to get rid of Trump, whether legal or not. If they succeed that leaves Haley with a wide open door, with a lot of never Trumper‘s going her way. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

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    Bubba_Boo Premium Member 6 months ago

    Sometimes it seems that the real American values are greed, hate, and stupidity. Trump is the poster boy for all three. All the rest of the MAGAs are wannabes.

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    librarylady59  6 months ago

    Haley faces criticism for Civil War commentsRepublican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday addressed the backlash to her Wednesday night comments about what she thought was the cause of the American Civil War, during which she notably did not cite slavery as a cause, sparking criticism.

    “Of course, the Civil War was about slavery," said Haley at a Thursday town hall in New Hampshire. "We know that. That’s unquestioned. Always the case. We know the Civil War was about slavery.”

    Haley continued to elaborate, telling the crowd that the war was about more than that.

    “It was about the freedoms of every individual," she said. "It was about the role of the government. For 80 years, America had the decision and the moral question of whether slavery was a good thing and whether government economically, culturally, any other reasons, had a role to play in. By the grace of God, we did the right thing and slavery is no more. But the lessons of what the bigger issue with the Civil War is that let’s not forget what came out of that, which is government’s role, individual liberties, freedom for every single person, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to do and be anything you want to be without anyone in government getting in our way.” -

    https://www msn com/en-us/news/politics/nikki-haley-addresses-backlash-over-civil-war-comments/ar-AA1ma4i0

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    maxcat631  6 months ago

    There’s a tune from a movie with Burt Reynolds, and Dolly Pardon; It’s done by the Politician character. I think it’s about “doin’ a little side-step”.. seems as though the GOP knows it well.

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  31. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  6 months ago

    I like how Clay has captured Nikki’s nascent neck wattling and drooping jawline. She’s not aging well, and we know that banana republicans like their women to look young and hot. She’s rapidly catching up to the Sarah Palin crone level.

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    BigDeal  6 months ago

    The really horrible thing about the Civil War is that, even though it was fought over slavery, the southerners who fought and died by the tens of thousands were mostly NOT themselves slave owners, just gullible, ignorant dupes who believed what what the were told by the wealthy land (and slave) owners.Sound familiar?

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    teachteed23  6 months ago

    Seems to me that almost all of the comments here reflect the mentality of today’s politics being unable to concentrate on candidates’ ability to lead and govern.

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    teachteed23  6 months ago

    Including Mr. Bennett.

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    northbraddock52  6 months ago

    It started because the South wanted to take over the airports and ram the ramparts

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  36. Boyknifeoutlet
    Retired engineer  6 months ago

    Having grown up in Mississippi during the 50’s and 60’s, I perfectly understand Nikki’s response. She was trying to walk that fine line between not sounding racist while not outraging the white nationalists that dominate her party in her home state and defend the south’s position in the civil war as justified. In my youth, if I dared speak my mind about racial justice, I risked getting those angry frowns and accusations of being the most hated of miscreants, a “ni**er lovin’ white liberal”.

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    SandShark Premium Member 6 months ago

    Nothing really new for her. A while back I remember reading that she said racism in the United States doesn’t exist. She’s just playing to her base. Nasty, opportunistic woman.

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  38. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  6 months ago

    I’m more concerned with her eagerness to start new wars.

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    AndrewSihler  6 months ago

    It’s ironical that someone—well, Donald Trump—can be a gushing fountain of vile, insulting, stupid, and ignorant displays of ill will and malice, and gets a completely free pass. “Well, that’s just Trump being Trump”. Which is of course totally true, except that the “Trump being Trump” person also is seeking a position of real political power. Which should terrify everyone with a pulse, but millions seem to lap it up!

    Well, scolding Nikki Haley is easy, at least; with Trump, “where to begin??”

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    theoldidahofox  6 months ago

    It’s no surprise that she is a racist.

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    Mainesailah Premium Member 6 months ago

    Just a short note here from the grammar police: To be correct, grammatically, it should be “The War Among the States”, since there were more than two.

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    “…aye, there is the rub…” It is conservative philosophy from the very beginnings of this Great Nation. conservatives even try to sell the idea that today’s Republican/conservatives are the “Party of Lincoln” when the fact is that the Republican party began in 1854 as the Liberal Party in the U.S., and Lincoln was a Liberal. The great, great, great, great granddaddies of those red states are rolling over in their graves seeing their decedents voting for the Part of Lincoln. tRmpsters are even worse.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 6 months ago

    Policy-wise, Haley is even worse than Donald Trump

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  44. Alien inside
    SteveKelly1  6 months ago

    Y’all headed for another civil war if the Orange Man gets the Presidency next year. What a choice: Binen or Trump!

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    charliekane  6 months ago

    Merely the deviant reality the Republican base requires.

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    wolfiiig  6 months ago

    Too many viewings of ‘Gone With the Wind’

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    wildlandwaters  6 months ago

    “What’s the matter with slavery? You got a problem with it??” (sheesh)

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    Rich Douglas  6 months ago

    Every once in a while they forget to do one thing while saying another. It’s called the “truth” and it hurts.

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