Chip Bok for February 07, 2024

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    GiantShetlandPony  5 months ago

    There are none so blind as they who will not see. Keep grasping at straws Bok.

    The economy is strong. Inflation is down, and like Carter, it’s the Repubs plotting with the USA’s enemies to gain power that is at the root of the Iran issue. It was the Orange Traitor himself that made the pull out of Afghanistan far harder than it should have been. Especially, since the Orange Traitor made sure the Taliban could once again gain power.

    So, keep grasping at straws. If the USA wants to remain a strong free country it will vote ever Republican out of office.

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  2. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  5 months ago

    Inflation in 1980 went back to Nixonomics, and Paul Volcker eventually tamed it to 4% by 1982, which the god Pruneface took credit, although Carter had appointed Volcker in 1979. It takes 18-24 months for an ecnomic policy to take effect. Note the under Reaganomics, it was around 4%. It is now below 3%. What we really need is to tame the corporate state with regulation and competition, not crony capitalism.

    What does Afghanistan have to do with anything? It was the Soviet Union’s Vietnam. The cartoonist must think we don’t remember what was happening around 1980.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 5 months ago

    Iran is an issue now, inflation is now under control, Afghanistan isn’t a current issue.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 5 months ago

    CIA staged a coup in Iran in 1953 to overthrow their elected prime minister because he wanted to keep their oil profit in Iran; this was under Eisenhower who believed in “regime-change”.

    President Carter was working with Iran on the hostage situation and Reagan (his team) interfered to prevent anything from being accomplished. Then he got away with treason for Iran-Contra.

    Trump worked with the Taliban on the details for the Afghanistan withdrawal rather than their government. Remember that Bush Jr. started that was along with Iraq.

    Repubs have a tradition of causing problems and then blaming them on Dems.

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    djtenltd  5 months ago

    @GiantShetlandPony- I wonder if the GOP truly and honestly is starting to see that was a mistake putting that man in power!

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    librarylady59  5 months ago

    Here ya go… SummaryPara leer en español, vea esta traducción de Google Translate.

    Here’s how the United States has fared since President Joe Biden took office three years ago:

    The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic.

    The unemployment rate dropped back to just above the pre-pandemic low; unfilled job openings again outnumber unemployed job seekers.

    Inflation spiked to the highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up nearly 18% overall during Biden’s time. Gasoline is up 29%.

    Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings declined 3.4%.

    Defying expectations, the nation’s economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, marking the third straight year of economic growth.

    Crime data show a decrease in murders in U.S. cities in 2022 and 2023.

    The S&P 500 has increased 28.2%.

    The number of apprehensions of those trying to cross the southern border illegally remains near historical highs. For the 12 months ending in November, apprehensions are up 296%.

    For the third straight year, gun purchases declined, as measured by background checks for firearm sales.

    Crude oil production is up 12.7%; imports are up 8.7%.

    The trade deficit for goods and services is about 20.9% higher.

    The number of people without health insurance has gone down; enrollment in Affordable Care Act marketplace plans is at its highest point yet.

    The number of people receiving federal food assistance has declined by more than 700,000.

    The publicly held debt has increased by about 24.7%.

    https://www factcheck org/2024/01/bidens-numbers-january-2024-update/

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Remember when traitor citizen Reagan made an arms deal with Iran to undercut the Carter admin?

    Traitor citizen Trump scotched the border deal and has traitor republicans holding our budget hostage to help Putin. Republicans give aid and comfort to our enemies.

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  8. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 5 months ago

    Republicans have to lie and cheat any way that they can or they will cease to exist. Voter suppression is just one of their methods. In phone surveys, when people are given a choice on issues that affect their daily life, taken from both Republican and Democratic Party publications, those who identify themselves as Democrats agree with the Democrats about 80% of the time. Independents do too, about 58% of the time. The weird thing is that 42% of Republicans agree with the Democratic positions too, unless they are told which is which. Then they fall into line and agree with the Republicans 78% of the time. People who identify as Republicans make up somewhere between 30% and 42% of the voters, depending on the year. It’s currently way down. 78% of 42% is 33%. The Republicans would never win another national election with those odds. So, the Republicans have to keep as many people who they suspect will vote Democratic from voting as possible, and keep the rest of them confused enough to vote against their own best interests

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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    The inflation we had in 1980 started under Nixon, and was part of Ford’s campaign slogan ‘WIN’ button, Whip Inflation Now’. The Mujahedeen had kicked the Soviet’s 6, and Reagan had the deals with Iran. Today, Biden has the world-wide inflation back down and had kept it lower than any other Western country. Iran is being dealt with, and it was tRump who surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban.

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    David P. McLaughlin  5 months ago

    Why do your featured comments always showcase someone who states things exactly OPPOSITE the truth? 1.Biden relaxed the sanctions on Iran, allowing Iran to earn billions [they support terrorism with] by selling oil. 2. Biden demonstrates daily, that he doesn’t know where he is, can’t find his way off of a stage, can’t speak coherently reading a teleprompter, calls out to dead people, and MORE! 3. Biden told Putin that the USA “wouldn’t mind a little invasion.” So Putin DID! The military of the USA is more focused on woke BS than being ready to defend the USA! 4. Biden DELIBERATELY opened the southern border to ALL illegals [now including Islamic terrorists!] on his first day in office! That did NOT enhance the security of the USA!

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    Al Fresco  5 months ago

    What else in on Joe’s list. The window sill is blocking our view.l

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    justanudderpeeon  5 months ago

    Move along! These are not the ’droids we are looking for! Go back to your Kool-Aid! Have a nice day!

    People…What a Species!There are no politicians with any solutions. There are none but gas-spewing promise making promise breaking zombie talking heads trying to gas-light us into submission.We are considered as being future Soylent Green wafers to be fed to the Morlocks.Yup, I woke up on that side of the bed this morning…

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    Ontman  5 months ago

    Bok should try to find a history book and read it.

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    piper_gilbert  5 months ago

    Chip has reduced himself to shameless Republican propaganda. Just sad actually. I’ve never had it better financially.

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  15. Melting clock fizz creations
    cfkelley  5 months ago

    Two grinning idiots.

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    charliekane  5 months ago

    Two fine human beings. Infinitely superior to this year’s likely alternative.

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    DC Swamp  5 months ago

    Jimmy Carter doesn’t speak with a French president who’s been dead for 28 years.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Same story and outcome 44 years later.

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    Victory  5 months ago

    Now that the begging for pleading for immunity is dead and the beat goes on, I wonder if citizen trump regrets calling Judge Chutkan all those names in front of reporters and at his rallies, and then having one of his magat followers call and leave the judge a racist voicemail threatening to kill her.

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    Victory  5 months ago

    Now that the begging for pleading for immunity is dead and the beat goes on, I wonder if citizen trump regrets calling Judge Chutkan all those names in front of reporters and at his rallies, and then having one of his magat followers call and leave the judge a racist voicemail threatening to kill her.

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    My First Premium Member 5 months ago

    Alarming footage appears to show President Biden forgetting Hamas’ name when asked about hostages held in Gaza. This was YESTERDAY. On Sunday, Biden told a Las Vegas crowd he met with François Mitterrand, a French president who has been deceased for 28 years. Biden made the blunder while retelling the story of a gathering with French President Emmanuel Macron at a G7 meeting shortly before he entered the Oval Office.

    “I sat down, and I said, ’America’s back,’” Biden told the crowd. “And Mitterrand from Germany – I mean from France – looked at me and said …”

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Biden admin just killed the general who ordered the strike against Americans in Iraq.

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    elias   5 months ago

    I still hope we eliminate the budget ceiling once and for all like many countries have already; to stop the worry about deficit spending and all the fighting and monetarythreats of shutting down the government because a budget is not approved.

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  24. Sunimage
    Sun  5 months ago

    Joe Biden’s incompetence had suddenly made Malaise Jimmy Carter appear competent.

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    The Dem Veteran   5 months ago

    Carters iran problem? Ronald Reagan paying Iran in tow missiles to guarantee that Iran would keep the hostages until his inauguration.

    Reagan should have been tried for treason. He gave weapons to Iran To KEEP AMERICANS HOSTAGES WHILE TELLING US WE DONT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS

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    My First Premium Member 5 months ago

    What is it with weak U.S. Presidents getting caught in the same quagmire. What goes around comes around, I guess.

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    fullplatebeta Premium Member 5 months ago

    Doesn’t Bok have a loved one who can tell him?

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 5 months ago

    Are you trying to suggest then that trump is Ronald Reagan ? Yeah that ain’t going to fly and inflation has come down. Also regarding Afghanistan we’re no longer over there after 20 long years of War started under GW Bush. Iran is dangerous and no president can escape the problems we have with them no thx to trump killing nuclear inspections when he was playing president

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