The trick to getting back home through the quantum foam is in finding the right wormhole. Since they tend to be unstable the one that brought you to that point in the past may not be the one to return in. This is where super-computers are needed. RJ must have a really tiny one.
Hey… it happens all the time for folks traveling across the Pacific… when I returned from Okinawa we had a whole plane full of folk that arrived in California about a half hour before we left.
Of course we all paid for that return trip by losing a whole day on the trip to Okinawa.
And for those that don’t understand how that is possible, just look for the dateline on a map or globe.
cmxx 10 months ago
Uh . . . vinti?
paulprobujr 10 months ago
“There was a young lady named Bright
Whose speed was far faster than light;
She set out one day
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night."
Ellis97 10 months ago
RJ and Verne have left the building.
NRHAWK Premium Member 10 months ago
The trick to getting back home through the quantum foam is in finding the right wormhole. Since they tend to be unstable the one that brought you to that point in the past may not be the one to return in. This is where super-computers are needed. RJ must have a really tiny one.
mokspr Premium Member 10 months ago
So Hammy is saying he had a double vinti triple espresso?
mistercatworks 10 months ago
Elvis has left the reality.
sml7291 Premium Member 10 months ago
Hey… it happens all the time for folks traveling across the Pacific… when I returned from Okinawa we had a whole plane full of folk that arrived in California about a half hour before we left.
Of course we all paid for that return trip by losing a whole day on the trip to Okinawa.
And for those that don’t understand how that is possible, just look for the dateline on a map or globe.