Agnes by Tony Cochran for April 14, 2024

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    seanfear  10 months ago

    evens out? HAHA

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    snsurone76  10 months ago

    What are they standing on?? Looks like a pile of flour or salt.

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    Pet  10 months ago

    Perspective, from Trout :-))

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  4. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member 10 months ago

    For Agnes the glass is always half empty. Trout has the other half of the glass and it’s always half full. Trout wins!

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    chris_o42  10 months ago

    They say there is pie in the sky for everyone, but I think someone got my piece.

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  6. Vaw 78 squadron patch
    Kidon Ha-Shomer  10 months ago

    What a sneaky push for socialism.

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    mindjob  10 months ago

    At the rate we’re going, it’ll take a long time to catch up

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    the lost wizard  10 months ago

    Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can rent a lot of it. :)

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  9. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 10 months ago

    Today, we live in an economy in which the billionaires are getting much richer while working families fall further behind. Unbelievably, while 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, we now have more income and wealth inequality than we have ever had in the history of our country – with three multi-billionaires owning more wealth than the bottom half of Americans. While employers squeeze workers and their unions for cuts to health care and other benefits, the CEOs of major corporations now make nearly 400 times more than their average employees – the largest employer-worker gap in our history.

    According to a recent study, nearly 54 percent of the rise in inflation is directly attributable to the astronomical increase in corporate profit margins. In America today, while the working class struggles to put food on the table, fill up their gas tanks and heat their homes, corporate profits are at a 70-year high.

    If you want to know why you are paying $4, $5, $6 for a gallon of gas, you should know that the profits of ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and Shell skyrocketed by 169 percent so far this year to $125 billion. These four huge oil companies are spending over $73 billion not to reduce gas prices at the pump but to buy back their own stock and increase dividends to their wealthy stockholders.

    If you are wondering why you are paying 43 percent more for an airline ticket this year, you should know that profits are up 186 percent at American Airlines and 99 percent at United Airlines in the third quarter to nearly $1.5 billion. Yes. These are the same companies that received taxpayer assistance of more than $20 billion during the pandemic while cutting 6,400 jobs.

    If you are wondering why global food prices skyrocketed by over 33 percent last year and are expected to go up another 23 percent this year, you should know that billionaires in the global food and agri-business industry became $382 billion richer during the pandemic.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member 10 months ago

    If you are wondering why we continue to pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, you should know that Pfizer has increased its profits by 42 percent so far this year to $26.4 billion.

    Right now, more than any time in modern history, we need a Congress that has the courage to take on the wealthy campaign contributors, super-PACs, and lobbyists who work overtime in protecting the interests of the rich. VOTE BLUE, ALL THE WAY DOWN THE TICKET!!

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    The Orange Mailman  10 months ago

    True Story: Every year letter carriers host the NALC food drive. This is the single biggest food drive in the USA. We pick up food from virtually all mailboxes. One year on my inner city route, there was a huge amount of food on the porch of a family that was not very well off. I was floored at the amount of canned goods that I had to drive down with my LLV to pick up. They came out to make sure it was me picking it up. I thanked them multiple times. They said, “We have had to wait in line at the food pantry so we know what it’s like. We want to give back.”

    I’ve found this to be true. Those who have never had to take charity have little use for giving charity. There are exceptions, but it opens your eyes when you are the one in need.

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    gopher gofer  10 months ago

    every time i read another article about some fool giving million of yen to yet another scammer (every day…), i wonder how many millions is enough millions to people who have too many millions to give to scammers…

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    Ukko wilko  10 months ago

    When I was 18 years old I found out that I had supposedly grown up in poverty. What I didn’t know before that hadn’t hurt me one bit.

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