Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for April 15, 2024

  1. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  10 months ago

    As a renter I used to file 1040EZ, so 20 years ago when I bought my house, I figured I could figure out how to file long form myself. By the time I realized that the learning curve was steeper than I wanted to climb, it was just a week before Apr. 15. But I had a mailer from a local CPA, so I made an appointment with her, and we hit it off. She’s done my taxes ever since—she’s got the software and is up-to-date on all the new changes and regulations, and whips out my return in 20 minutes. I could learn how, or use one of the on-line tools, but you know, I don’t want to—it’s so much easier to pop into her office once a year, love on her office dog for half-an-hour, write her a check, find out what my refund is or how much I need to pay, take the completed folder she’s prepared for me, and go home, knowing it’s all been done efficiently, accurately, and legally!

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    Kroykali  10 months ago

    Take the bus like I used to, Zack. Bet it goes by your house.

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  3. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  10 months ago

    Mmmh…. should I mention that in my country unless you have very complicated taxes ours takes twenty minutes? Go on line, check that the private information and the full amount already inputted is right (bank sends you a paper with all the amounts in the right categories, our IRS receives our earnings from our payroll and we get the amount too, you only input the adress of your house(s) and the IRS pulls the records from the database…), click ok and sign.

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    ladykat Premium Member 10 months ago

    My life is so much easier now that I use an accountant to do my taxes.

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    Rista  10 months ago

    I always file early, soon as the W2’s or what ever numbers, get here. No sense putting it off it never gets any better.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 10 months ago

    Jan is one of those persons that need to feel the anxiety of the last minute.

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    bwswolf  10 months ago

    I always did my own, for 50 years + and when software became available, that really helped and made it a lot easier …… must have been right because I never got audited …… ;)

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  8. Dogs 003
    EXCALABUR  10 months ago

    Plenty of time

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  9. Bunnypancakehead
    DarkHorseSki  10 months ago

    I’ve been doing my own taxes since the 80’s. It is not hard, but it used to be very time consuming before Trump’s tax reforms simplified the process by raising the standard deduction to a number that was pretty much equal to what I had when itemizing. Now, taxes are done in less than 30 minutes, compared to the many hours it would take for each return with itemization.

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    ToborRedrum  10 months ago

    I use for federal and then copy the info over to state forms I pick up at the library.

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