The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for May 11, 2024

  1. Blue morning
    Yakety Sax  10 months ago

    Customer Versus Mother Nature

    I am collecting carts when I witness some guy drive his Ford Explorer into a tree in the parking lot. The driver gets out of the vehicle and starts screaming at the sky.

    He then storms over to me.

    Customer: “The store needs to pay for that!”

    Me: “You would need to talk to the manager for that, sir.”

    Luckily for me, the manager is outside taking a cigarette break and has already walked over. He introduces himself.

    Customer: “You need to compensate me for this! I wasn’t expecting you to have trees in a parking lot! Who puts trees in a parking lot?!”

    Manager: “Sir, the store can’t be held responsible for you driving into a tree.”

    Customer: “Then I’ll sue! It’s the tree’s fault!”

    Manager: “We’ll be sure to tell the trees to get out of the way next time, sir.”

    With that statement, the customer realized how ridiculous he was being and stormed off to drive his dented car away. My manager lit another cigarette and casually strolled back toward the store.

    NOT my story but I do remember a tree that grew in the worst possible place next to a busy 4-lane, just past a curve. It had been hit so many times that the bark on that side was gone. Finally, instead of putting up a guard rail the tree was cut down.

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  2. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  10 months ago

    Doubt he’ll find one that covers all her virtues, but it’s a nice thought.

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    Black76Manta  10 months ago

    I like it, very good!

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  4. 20190411 135231
    formathe  10 months ago

    This spring Mother Nature has been a wet, demanding, vindictive harlot. NO CARD FOR YOU!!!!!

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    enigmamz  10 months ago


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    Stat_man99  10 months ago

    Another woke comic.

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  7. Whatever  10 months ago

    If I would encounter a living bear cub in a store I’d be on high alert where it’s mother might be and sneak away fastest possible.

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  8. 1000000173
    bwswolf  10 months ago

    Mother Nature was pretty good last winter ….. well for the most part ………… didn’t have a whole lot of snow to shovel and when there was some ……. it was near the end of winter …… ;)

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  9. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member 10 months ago

    Don’t fall for the winter one, spring for the summer one…!

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