Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for July 21, 2024

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    seanfear  8 months ago

    you’ve cut the chase short, and now she’s short-circuited

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    Macushlalondra  8 months ago

    If my husband ever said that to me I’d “drop dead” too.

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    194919671982  8 months ago

    My wife said it to me one time and I wrote it on a piece of paper, dated it and had her sign it. I still have it in my wallet.

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  4. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 8 months ago

    Hubby and I will admit we’re wrong. It’s Dad who won’t.

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    sergioandrade Premium Member 8 months ago

    I have assumed Walt would always tell Aunty she’s right, if he knows what good for him.

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    The Reader Premium Member 8 months ago

    How could you say such a thing?

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    dflak  8 months ago

    Right / Wrong – True / False One / Zero. Some people are only capable of binary thinking.

    This leads to the belief that all of life is a zero-sum game. If one team wins a game by a score of 5 to 3, then the other team loses it by a score of 3 to 5. The sum of the wins minus the sum of the losses always equal zero, hence the name of the game. The only way that you can win is if I lose.

    The objective of a zero sum game is to run up the score then run out the clock. If it’s a fair game, play it for fun.

    Binary thinkers understand zero sum games.

    Then there are negative sum games where the sum of he wins minus the sum of the losses is less than zero. War is such a game. Nobody wins a war; one side merely loses it to a lesser extent. These games typically feature revenge and retribution.

    Binary thinkers with a mean streak are willing to take the losses if they think the other side loses more. How anyone can take satisfaction in a situation where everybody loses is beyond my comprehension.

    The objective of a negative sum game is to avoid playing and if you do play, end play as soon as practical.

    There are also positive sum games where the sum of the wins exceeds the sum of the losses. Both sides give up a little to gain a lot. I raise mules, you raise grain. I lend you some mules to work your fields, you give me some grain to feed my mules. This barter system works even today. My cousin helps his neighbor harvest hay and gets paid in hay to feed his horses. Positive sum games are based on values rather than countable things like dollars or points.

    The objective of a positive sum game is to play it for as long as you can.

    People with binary thinking cannot comprehend positive sum games.

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    [Traveler] Premium Member 8 months ago

    Aunty seems to have lost weight

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    ThreeDogDad Premium Member 8 months ago

    Literally, a week ago, the wife said something to me, and I responded. She started arguing with me, and I said, “I was agreeing with you!” She angrily replied, “I know!”

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    rockyridge1977  8 months ago

    “It’s the big one! I’m coming for you Elizabeth!”

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    strick9  8 months ago

    You’re right, I was wrong, I’m sorry it won’t happen again, until the next time

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    CorkLock  8 months ago

    Walt gained 75 pounds and Aunty lost 75 pounds in a flash. Maybe Walt is on to something. Shock can cause heart attacks. Go all in.

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    andersjg Premium Member 8 months ago

    Do that again, Walt, she looks so peaceful comatose.

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    cuzinron47  8 months ago

    I can see this going the other way with Walt passed out.

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    Bill The Nuke  8 months ago

    I told my wife that it was mid July and time enough had passed for my annual mistake. Or at least admitting to one.

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  16. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  8 months ago

    Pure fantasy. No man has ever admitted he was wrong. I think they actually convince themselves and truly believe they are always right and always know better. This is 74 years of experience talking, both from a personal and professional perspective.

    And women make such convenient scapegoats for them.

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  17. Truth
    daking27  8 months ago

    Don McMillan is a fantastic speaker who uses PowerPoint to be funny. (Yes, it’s possible.) Watch this whole thing, but especially the first minute and a half, which explains this comic in a different way. (If I can’t manage to get the link in a form you can copy and follow, go to YouTube and search for “The Scientific Reason Your Wife Is Always Right. Don McMillan” youtube dot com slash watch? v equals ObRdUEWwCvI It’s worth figuring out the substitutions.

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    azardoz  8 months ago

    More of the same:


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    Lumberman  8 months ago

    I “faintly” remember doing that once!

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