FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for August 30, 2024

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    einarbt  6 months ago


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    cracker65  6 months ago

    Lights out

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    Ol' me  6 months ago

    In not too many years, you’ll be arguing that 9:00 is past your bed time. Trust me.

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    Jason Allen  6 months ago

    Just wait until you have to drag your sorry behind out of bed at 3:00 am so you have enough time to blow the snow out of your driveway before getting ready and heading out to work to be there by 5:30. You’ll be falling asleep in your chair by 8:00.

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    yangeldf  6 months ago

    If she gets a full 8 hours she’s going to wake up around 5 AM, unless they live on a farm or are otherwise way out in the boonies that’s way too early. When I was in school I would get up at 7 to get there by 8, so in theory a bedtime of 11PM would have been fine.

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    John Jorgensen  6 months ago

    When I was in grammar school bedtime kept getting pushed back with each new school year. My brother, who is a year younger than I am, would get the same bedtime I did. Apparently the usual pattern was, I would ask my parents to let him stay up with me, then forget I’d done so and spend the rest of the year thinking how unfair it was that he got the same privilege I did a year earlier.

    Bedtime was abolished altogether when I reached high school, which usually meant I’d watch The Tonight Show for a bit. My brother did not get to join me this time; he kept the eighth-grade bedtime of 10:00. I remember one night taking a savage glee in demanding he go to bed.

    Then one disappointing report card saw my Tonight Show privileges rescinded. . . .

    Anyway, I’ve been a night owl ever since. Barring illness or jet lag, the earliest I can possibly go to bed is midnight, often a good bit later. It doesn’t matter how early I have to wake up, I’m almost never able to get to sleep any earlier than that. If I’m a guest in a house where everyone goes to bed earlier than that, I’ll sit up reading or messing around online.

    I haven’t watched The Tonight Show in ages, by the way. I started boycotting it in solidarity with Conan in 2010, and then when Fallon took over, I just find him too lame to be worth watching.

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    John Jorgensen  6 months ago

    She still has her eyes all scrunched up. I wish Bill Amend wouldn’t draw them like that, it’s vaguely disturbing.

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    Fennec! at the Disco Premium Member 6 months ago

    Paige, your eyes are still super-glued shut. Get some sleep!

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    Strawberry King  6 months ago

    That shut her up.

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