Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for May 18, 2024

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member 10 months ago

    You may enjoy seeing today’s “Pickles” here on GoComics.

    (I tried adding spaces to the link but that didn’t work.)

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 10 months ago

    Today’s strip is a meh, I’m afraid. But UFO is funny.

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    laughingkitty  10 months ago

    Today is:







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    laughingkitty  10 months ago

    Oh my gosh! My first night driving home from work in my wonderful new Impala and I came so close to hitting not just one, but TWO deer that I’m still feeling shaky over 3 hours later. I saw the deer (two young fawns, old enough to not have their spots anymore, but too young and inexperienced to know the dangers of traffic) running across the highway in front of me. I slammed the brakes on hard enough so the groceries I had on my back seat fell onto the floor. I missed the deer by maybe a couple feet. Luckily, the person driving behind me also stopped without running into me. Well, of course, I came to a complete stop. The young deer didn’t know what to do. They stood there a while, then ran back and forth in front of me, then off onto the side of the road, then in front of me again. When they started trotting alongside the road, I followed behind, doing about 5 mph in case they took a notion to run in front of me again. When they finally ran off and out of sight, I finally was able to go faster again. But I just can’t get over the panic I felt at almost hitting those two. I wonder where their mother was? Gosh, I hope they were not running around in confusion because their mother had been hit by a car and was lying dead by the side of the road! I didn’t see anything like that, but it was dark and my eyes were focused on the fawns. After they ran off, I did watch for any other deer before I started moving again, but I was looking for live deer, not dead ones. I’m still feeling shaky, but I’m so relieved I didn’t hit them. The deer are fine and the car is fine and I’m not hurt. Fine will take some time for me to achieve.

    In the morning, I’m going to take a closer look at my car to see if there is a place to stick deer whistles on the bumper (there wasn’t on my Malibu). I have some and if I can find them, and if I have a bumper to put them on, I will. I don’t know if they really work, but they can’t hurt. If I can’t find the ones that I know I have, I’ll buy more.

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    jessegooddoggy  10 months ago

    That is one beautiful cat!

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    dbrucepm  10 months ago

    our cats love our dogs, or at least love to mess with them.

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    bloodykate  10 months ago

    Kittycats Unanimous? LOL!!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member 10 months ago

    That is, without a doubt, my Kiki’s attitude about Buddy.

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    ladykat Premium Member 10 months ago

    We have a “yap” dog in our neighbourhood now. I’m fond of dogs, but I’d like to strangle the little beast. It’s outside for what feels like hours (subjectively), AND IT NEVER SHUTS UP!!!!

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    Disneysnob  10 months ago

    Are Impalas still being made? Thought they were discontinued in 2020?

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    markkahler52  10 months ago

    Thanks for the PSA

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    dbrucepm  10 months ago

    in the words of Lawrence Welk, Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehn. You don’t have to give up on the strip, just skip over the comments you don’t like. There are several people whose comments I was finding disagreeable and now I just bypass them when I see their user name.

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    Chris Sherlock  10 months ago

    Parmesan is an interesting name for a cat.

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    tad1  10 months ago


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    tad1  10 months ago

    I’m sure not all cats hate dogs. Oliver probably doesn’t. (he likes everyone.) My cats don’t seem to be too fond of dogs, but they don’t seem to mind much when one of my Sister’s dogs comes over. On another note, saw a Steller’s jay, five dragonflies, five robins, four chickadees, a Wilson’s warbler, a damselfly, and a butterfly while out walking today.

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    darcyandsimon  10 months ago

    Parmesan tells it like it is!

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    mistercatworks  10 months ago

    I’ve given up on this strip. I can handle the wandering story line but the people using the Comments as their personal blog is something I don’t need and is lazy moderation giving “best comment” placement where they are not avoidable.

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