Pedro X. Molina for June 06, 2024

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    preacherman Premium Member 23 days ago

    In some societies, the aged ones are greatly respected. Too bad that’s not here.

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    cmxx  23 days ago

    Good as a normal way of looking at people, but in this case we’re looking to fill a rather powerful position with national and global effects and consequences, not just making a judgment about a person.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  23 days ago

    Traitor Trump’s crazy character barely contains a raging fascist dictator who wants concentration camps for the people he will take revenge on and then join with Putin against the free world to create world wide dystopia.

    Dems would like free college and medical help for those who need it.

    Compare and contrast.

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    ferddo  23 days ago

    Oscar Wilde famously said “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone,”

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    Johnny on the Spot  23 days ago

    The Republicans have shown that they don’t care about character.

    1) The GOP keep spouting about Biden’s age but the Orange One is only a few years younger. Biden leads a healthier lifestyle and exercises while the Orange One eats junk and his exercise is riding around in a golf cart golfing.

    2) The GOP complains about Biden’s mental acuity by pointing out his speech gaffs and misstatements but they are quiet on the Orange One’s word salad speeches that are rambling at best, misstatements (covefe anyone? or who can forget him talking about the defending the airports from the British during the Revolutionary War). Biden suffers from a speech impairment, what’s the Orange One’s excuse?

    3) Biden tries to treat people respectfully while the Orange One has no trouble denigrating anyone he doesn’t like and trying to humiliate someone because of their looks, disabilities, or just because he wants to.

    Biden has proven that he has good character. The Orange One has only proven to me is that he is the best Poster Child for the Seven Deadly Sins in the country and should never be near such a powerful office of government EVER.

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    john_chubb  23 days ago

    No, you will always be judged by your age.

    Under 18 you get no respect at all.

    18 – 21 you get still very little respect, but the law allows you to opperate heavy machinery (with a license) and purchase awesome amounts of firepower (with no training or licensing at all).

    21 – 35 the respect starts to build some, but nobody really takes you seriously.

    35 – 75 you can expect to be listened to (if you have earned it)

    > 75 – fergitaboutit!

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  7. Lifi
    rossevrymn  22 days ago

    I’m sorry, age can be important.

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  8. Cover of prophecy of honor
    FGWaiss  20 days ago

    If we’re judging by character or age, Trump loses either way. He’s younger than Biden, but not by much and is showing alarming signs of cognitive decline. Instead of behaving like a 9th grader he’s approaching behavior like a nine-year-old.

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    vwmdabbler75  19 days ago

    ..and judged by what one has accomplished!

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    think it through  19 days ago

    Both running for president are almost the same age but only one has the experience in government to repair the last presidency’s destruction of the economy, supply chains and who over saw the deaths of 1.5 million Americans while refusing to accept reasonability for his actions. But the republicans don’t care how much he will do it all over again, but only care about winning no matter how much harm he will bring to the American people or that his final goal for America is creating a right-wing dictatorship.

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    think it through  17 days ago

    I am looking forward to the day when all Americans are smart enough to listen to older people who tell them ‘’never trust a republican, because they have lied, cheated and coned the American people with promises they never keep and always manage to cut taxes for the rich and destroy the economy and jobs’’. And always blame the democrats for what they themselves have done. And rinse and repeat since I first voted in 1972.

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    think it through  17 days ago

    And as far as age goes, in four years trump will be the same age as President Biden is, so no doubt, and he will be worse from day one then Biden ever was.

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