Steve Kelley for June 13, 2024

  1. Picture
    Ontman  16 days ago

    Kelley hates seniors too. Surprise.

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    DrDon1  16 days ago

    Actual facts do NOT matter to Summers! Inflation ( and grocery prices ) is down … plus the U.S. economy is booming compared to the rest of the developed world.

    [ Summers prefers the lies of that “successful” business magnate … remember tRump Steaks, tRump Vodka, tRump casinos, etc., etc.

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    Johncom  16 days ago

    It’s not the current inflation rate (which is still too high at 3.27%). It’s the accumulated inflated prices from the last 4 years. You know it’s true.

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    Hollymartins2  16 days ago

    I’m glad President Biden made it such an easy choice because I could never support a convicted rapist and felon. Of course, I’m not treasonous brain dead MAGAt trash

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 16 days ago

    Once Democrats take the House back, they will be able to undo all the undermining Republicans have done (and nothing else) to sabotage inflation and immigration for their orange Jesus.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 16 days ago

    SKelley favors anti-trust legislation and enforcement?


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    Chazz  15 days ago

    Finally, a cartoon making fun of the poorly educated.

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    Just A Guy  15 days ago

    Why must you push the complete and utter falsehood that inflation is out of control? It is back down to historical norms. Yes, it was really bad for a while after the pandemic, but that was the result of the mishandling of the pandemic by President Biden’s incompetent predecessor. Unfortunately, we have to live with the effects of the past inflation because the last thing we want is deflation. See 1929 for why deflation is bad.

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  9. Yin yang
    Havel  15 days ago

    Yet, measures regarding the border are ignored or mocked. As are increases in wages (year to year about 5%). Seniors on Social Security? Their monthly checks are up too (19.1% in the Biden years.)

    Just pretending, then saying something is true does not make it true when you omit information.

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  10. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  15 days ago

    Good idea!

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    Nantucket Premium Member 15 days ago

    The Dem anti-gouging bill that President Biden promoted would have curtailed companies from raising prices while making record profits, particularly the oil companies that screwed people during Covid. Fossil fuel companies want Trump because he promised them MORE tax cuts and FEWER regulations, and all they have to do is to give him $1 BILLION in campaign cash.

    The BIPARTISAN border bill was blocked by Repubs because their orange messiah demanded it so President Biden wouldn’t get a “win”.

    The latter reminds me of Nixon sabotaging Vietnam peace talks and Reagan hurting President Carter’s peace talks with Iran with his promises that turned into treasonous Iran-Contra. Repub tradition – party above people.

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    Retrac Premium Member 15 days ago

    The campaign is even including pickleball in their pandering to seniors.

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  13. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 15 days ago

    The bi-partisan bill to solve the immigration issue was vetoed by the unelected Mango Mussolini who was a major cause of most of the inflation in the USA with his handling of the pandemic and his tariffs.

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    Geezer  14 days ago

    From Investopedia:

    What Causes Inflation

    An increase in the supply of money is the root of inflation, though this can play out through different mechanisms in the economy. A country’s money supply can be increased by the monetary authorities by:

    ● Printing and giving away more money to citizens

    ● Legally devaluing (reducing the value of) the legal tender currency

    ● Loaning new money into existence as reserve account credits through the banking system by purchasing government bonds from banks on the secondary market (the most common method)

    In all of these cases, the money ends up losing its purchasing power.

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