Eric Allie for June 17, 2024

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    old1953  12 days ago

    What? No happy birthday for Donald T?

    DJT’s birthday is on Flag Day, which was last Friday.

    Happy Birthday Donald T!

    Donald T. is now 78, and if elected would become the oldest president in American history by the end of his term.

    Why do I get the feeling the R party doesn’t want to talk about that?

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    old1953  12 days ago

    As usual, it’s a MAGA toon, it lies. Biden is sharp for his age, nobody is claiming he’s secretly curing cancer or a secret rocket scientist.

    Funny how this ancient dotard beat the pants off the three years younger DJT, who shows signs of senility every time he opens his mouth.

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    Ontman  12 days ago

    Reliable sources….never to be confused with Eric Allie.

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    piper_gilbert  12 days ago

    I’m more worried about the Orange Stain Skidmark in front of the scenes.

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    Sun  12 days ago

    Divider-in-Chief Barack Obama is pulling the marionette strings to manipulate puppet Joe Biden. Puppet Joe Biden’s first puppet presidential term is Divider-in-Chief’s Barack Obama’s third term.

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    The Nodding Head  12 days ago

    Don’t leave any women behind the scenes with the convicted rapist.

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    rmike7842  12 days ago

    So, it seems that saying President Biden is not suffering from dementia really means all of this. Interesting comparison to how Allie and others treats someone who actually calls himself a genius and expert.

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    Dwight Schmiddlapp  12 days ago

    Why is it that all of the anonymous “reliable” sources have been lying to us for the past 8 years?

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    librarylady59  12 days ago

    Hyperbole… the staple of magas and other trumpers.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 days ago

    Biden’s campaign announces a $50 million advertising blitz highlighting Trump’s conviction

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is spending $50 million through the end of June, a blitz that includes its first television ad trumpeting Donald Trump’s felony conviction and signals that the Democratic incumbent is seeking to make his Republican opponent’s legal woes a bigger issue heading into November.

    The advertising push comes with Election Day still months away. But Biden’s campaign says it wants to more clearly define the choice between the candidates ahead of the first debate between them in Atlanta on June 27.

    The ad campaign includes more than $1 million geared toward media reaching Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters and a spot highlighting Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts in a New York hush money case. It will air on general market television and connected TV on streaming devices and cellphones in battleground states as well as on national cable.

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    DrDon1  12 days ago

    Hey, Allie, now do a toon about some of the characters “behind” the Felon-in-Chief, like Stephen Miller and Russell Voight, ‘geniuses’ helping the “stable genius!”

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    rs0204 Premium Member 12 days ago

    I plan on voting for the guy who will protect women’s rights and isn’t a convicted felon.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 12 days ago

    Hey Eric, did you see the REAL news about the edited videos from the G7 in Italy?

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    Just A Guy  11 days ago

    Wow, I think this one wins the “Projection of the Day” award, and should definitely be in the running for the annual award.

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  15. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  11 days ago

    Jill Biden responded to concerns about Joe Biden’s condition by saying that “He’s the same age as the other guy!” Which is just like saying that Ringo Starr is the same age as John Lennon.

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    Al Fresco  11 days ago

    Don’t believe what you can see with your own eyes. When off camera Joe is “as sharp as a tack.” (Michael Douglas)

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  17. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  9 days ago

    If you believe this I have a bridge in Baltimore I want to sell you, just a little banged up.

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    Omega Man  6 days ago

    piper-gilbert say’s “think i’m stupid? i’ll show you!”

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  19. Trumpafix
    zerorest  5 days ago

    But Trump’s uncle taught at MIT so he’s a genius.

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    ShadowMaster  4 days ago

    I’m trying to figure out how they are coming to the conclusion that he must be getting “performance-enhancing drugs” in order to walk around and give the speeches he gives. They are hinting his SOTU speech, in which he owned the Republicans, must have been given under performance-enhancing drugs. Well, if there is a drug out there that can help someone they think is senile make coherent speeches, they need to give some to Trump.

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