Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for July 28, 2024

  1. Img 20230511 134023590 portrait 5
    markkahler52  7 months ago

    Jehovah’s Witnesses

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    HarryLime  7 months ago

    I invited a couple of them in years ago and offered them a choice between coffee or a beer. They left quickly and never darkened my door again. I was all ready for a debate!

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  3. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 7 months ago

    White picket fence with a locking gate.

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    timinwsac Premium Member 7 months ago

    Did they order anything from Amazon?

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    bobbyferrel  7 months ago

    I’m of an age now that I am starting to tell people what I think. When people come and ring my doorbell trying to sell me a product or service I tell them that I get enough spam emails and robo calls from telemarketers to pester and frustrate me and I don’t need anyone intruding on my privacy in my own home to do the same. I tell them if I want their service, I am smart enough to find them. And, by the way, if I decide I do want their service, I’ll get it from someone who hasn’t pestered me in my own home and invite them kindly to show me the back of their neck. Then close the door.

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  6. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  7 months ago

    door to door sales were more popular when people were more isolated and didn’t get out to go shopping except to pick up normal weekly items. Now we have the internet…………..

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  7. Wingedcloud yuku
    SapphireSkies Premium Member 7 months ago

    Odd that they feel they have to hide. If I don’t recognize the person at the door, I just don’t answer.

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