Eric Allie for July 01, 2024

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 days ago

    Trump spewed non stop lies like a political SEWER. We all saw and heard Trump bot mechanically dismantle the USA.

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  2. Picture
    Ontman  5 days ago

    Allie, a major lie-spreader.

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    dotbup  5 days ago

    trump lied more than 30 times, according to CNN’s fact-checking guru Daniel Dale, including:

    Democratic-led states allow babies to be executed after birth, that every legal scholar and everybody in general wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that there were no terror attacks during his presidency, that Iran didn’t fund terror groups during his presidency, that the US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has, that Biden for years referred to Black people as “super predators,” that Biden is planning to quadruple people’s taxes, that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that Americans don’t pay the cost of his tariffs on China and other countries, that Europe accepts no American cars, that he is the president who got the Veterans Choice program through Congress, and that fraud marred the results of the 2020 election.

    trump stood on that debate stage and refused—three times—to say he will accept the results of the next election.

    That’s what America’s eyes and ears witnessed.

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  4. Nerd
    Ordinary Average Guy  5 days ago

    Doubtless most of the angry people posting here will not have caught the reference being made in today’s comic.

    This already so entertaining!

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    Al Fresco  4 days ago

    Trump lies, Biden lies. I’m voting for the person who is the most effective and convincing liar. Biden lies so poorly and is therefore not fit to be president.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  4 days ago

    Funny. For all of the Dotard’s political life, the answer to all of his egregious failures as a leader and as a human being has been, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

    Even the cartoonists are leaning hard into the strategy of endless projection of your own shortcomings on your opponent.

    Hey, it worked for Hitler. Just sayin’.

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  7. Frank
    Frankfreak  4 days ago

    Eyes and Ears viewing right wing propaganda misinformation.

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    phobos  4 days ago

    If it were up to left wingers, seeing and/or hearing anything not approved by them would be subject to memory removal.

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    aristoclesplato9  4 days ago

    The biggest scandal is how the Dems and most of the media lied about Biden’s mental situation. Now we all know the truth.

    The remaining question is who’s running the country? It’s not 10 AM to 4 PM Biden

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    phobos  4 days ago

    Left wingers are going to be livid today with the SCOTUS ruling that President Trump cannot be charged with anything that occurred as or during an official act.

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  11. Mongo
    Mongo  4 days ago

    The world saw what we saw and heard.

    An old man out of touch with reality, incoherent, mumbling, stumbling, losing his train of thought in the same sentence, in real time, in front of the world, and especially our enemies.

    No matter the party, you had to feel sorry for the guy.And the Dims are stuck with him.

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    dotbup  4 days ago

    rwnjs are going to be livid when they find out planning and attempting a failed coup or stealing and selling top secret documents are NOT “official acts”.

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    DC Swamp  4 days ago

    Last week leftists told us orange man bad wouldn’t show up for the debate, he did. They told us any accusations of Biden’s cognitive problems were “cheap fakes,” they weren’t. Then they told us cadaver Joe won the debate, he beat himself. Even the leftist media types who lied about this corpse-in-chief for years finally knew the lie was exposed…….”we finally beat Medicare.”

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  14. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago

    Yes, who are you going to believe? The state-run, Soros-purchased media, or your own lying eyes and ears?

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  15. Animals being weird
    wildthing  4 days ago

    Yes, Biden looked and acted like a senile geezer. Trump was the same old sadistic, sociopathic liar he always is. Meanwhile the Extreme Court just gave the president “Official Act” Immunity. Biden should act immediately with this new superpower to defend Truth, Justice, and American Democracy before a certain wannabe dicktater gets hold of it.

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  16. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member 4 days ago

    Neither one should be running. But who are we to say, we just live here…

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  17. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  4 days ago

    God so true!

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    You guys need to back off on Biden, the Supreme Quirks say he can lie cheat and steal like a republican and you can’t do anything about it.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    Biden could shut down right wing comic artists, snerk!

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 days ago

    My eyes saw a blowhard Traitor Trump looking disgusting as ever. My ears heard him lie so many times I gave up trying to count.

    Pretty sure Traitor Trump used his most powerful weapon against President Biden. That is a fully loaded diaper to match his mouth.

    I, like so many others want to know why the media isn’t calling for Traitor Trump to be pulled off the Republican Ballet as a criminal that has been found guilty of 34 felony counts and further cases to be tried against him.

    Don’t get me wrong. One of those cases is being seen before a corrupt and compromised judge, but it doesn’t not make the case against him, and the evidence not exist.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 4 days ago

    Republicans are great at projection aren’t they ?

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    Ivan the Terrible   2 days ago

    What’s the tell when the “Big Guy” is lying? Watch closely next time.

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    Ivan the Terrible   1 day ago

    Eric, pokes the festering rotten sore at the heart of the Democrat party.

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