Herman by Jim Unger for July 16, 2024

  1. Ava2
    C  5 months ago

    If there is a nearby chasm

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  2. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  5 months ago

    Somebody asked me that when his car slid backwards on ice into a building. I said “No”, because I was afraid that he might slide backwards into me. There is a huge difference between pushing a small car on level ground and pushing an SUV uphill.

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    seanfear  5 months ago

    into the water? sure

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  4. The shadow
    Ubintold  5 months ago


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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  5 months ago

    Talk about under-rating a situation.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  5 months ago

    I ran into a somewhat similar situation south of Luanda.

    Some UN workers had driven out on a mud flat. Their teeny, tiny little car was okay due to surface vegetation as long as they were moving but it sank when they stopped. They probably spoke French, we spoke Southern English and bits and pieces of other languages. Lots of hand waving and acting out desired actions to let us know they wanted our help getting out.

    The car was so light that two of us picked up the front and set it to the side where the vegetation was still unbroken. We hollered out “Go, go go,” in Portuguese (at least I hoped it was, “Vai, Vai, Vai!”).

    They started to back up and were starting to move back when they realized the front wheel drive was slinging mud on us. So they stopped. And sank. And our work was all for nothing.

    We walked/waded up to where they had gotten.

    I pointed to the mud on us and explained it was no problem or at least already done, we were already coated with it.

    Then I made the motion of us picking up the front of the car AGAIN and shifting it out of the rut AGAIN and them vai-ing until they were safely way away and off of the mud flat. Non arrêt DON’T STOP.

    We picked up another layer of mud but they got out and we waved bye to them in the distance. The highlight of the Sunday afternoon at the sorta beach.

    Good times.

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    win.45mag  5 months ago

    DO IT ! Give her a push………right into the water.

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  8. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  5 months ago

    Give her a little push. Her, not the car.

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  9. Cobra 1
    [Traveler] Premium Member 5 months ago

    Someone already did

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    Pickled Pete  5 months ago

    She needs a good shake rather than a push..

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    monya_43  5 months ago

    If he is smart, he’ll get away from there. She needs much more than a “little” push.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 5 months ago


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    kathleenhicks62  5 months ago

    Maybe a little lift would help.

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    Strawberry King  5 months ago

    She doesn’t need a push. She needs a crane.

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  15. Stinker
    cuzinron47  5 months ago

    She’s trying to figure out that parallel parking thing.

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    wildlandwaters  5 months ago

    Many years ago I stopped to check on a clueless teenage girl who had slid off an icy road into deep snow. She asked if I could get behind the car and push her out. I tried to explain that she needed something heavier duty, like a tow truck maybe? She still wanted me to try, so I thought I’d humor her. I trudged into the snow (the car was high centered, btw!) and pretended to push while she gunned it. My point was well taken. Fortunately there was a farm nearby, and he had a tractor that was able to pull her out. She was so pleased with my efforts, she fell in love with me, and we’ve been happily married for the past 40 years! (just kidding about that last part…lol!)

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    vacman  5 months ago

    I would be glad to push you lady, but, I am afraid your car is another thing.

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  18. Doofenshmirtz
    bobpeters61  5 months ago

    I once got a big, old ’70s car out of a ditch by repeatedly pushing it sideways off of a bumper jack

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  19. Cat spy
    C wolfe  5 months ago

    Push her into deeper water before she starts to drown. (This is a paraphrase of a line from a song. 10 points if you can name to whom the artist who sang the song is married to. Answer in two days.)

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    sincavage05  5 months ago

    Been to Yellowstone lately? Animals aren’t the only dangers. Car with 5 tourons drove into a hot pool. The temp was only 105, but very acidic. Car sank to the bottom. Tourons lived to be morons for another day.

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  21. Dogs 003
    EXCALABUR  5 months ago

    It would be hard enough to push you let along the car.

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  22. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  5 months ago

    Push her into the water.

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