Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for July 29, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  7 months ago

    But there is a wrong answer.

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    mafastore  7 months ago

    Husband and I are about the biggest movie fans. It was what drew us together originally and we set up a movie club in college together.

    Until Covid came along – short of weather too bad to go out in, we went to the movie at least once a week for our Saturday night date and sometimes on Fridays also. When dating in college it was always a Friday night Midnight movie after our retail jobs and also a Saturday night date for dinner (each paid for ourselves) and another movie (he paid for teh movies). So several decades of weekly plus movies at a movie theater came to a pause.

    Instead we have watched movies on TV instead and have brought back Friday night Midnight movie (on TV) when we watch old favorite movies – first one, of course, was “the Rocky Horror Picture Show” and Friday after Thanksgiving is “Alice’s Restaurant”.

    We plan on returning to going to the movies someday.

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    jmworacle  7 months ago

    Kind of hard these days will all the woke Foo Doo at there…

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    Doug K  7 months ago

    Yes, dear.

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    raptor  7 months ago

    Went to a movie with the kids and grandkids – still paying off the bill LOL… It’s cheaper to buy the movie and watch it at home on the 65” hanging on the wall – with all the comforts of home, choice of snacks & drinks, the ability to pause the movie for breaks and the best feature: nobody behind us chatting away about relationships/problems/investments etc – - -

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    LONNYMARQUEZ  7 months ago

    two good reasons to never go to a movie, they all stink, and I’m not taking out a loan to watch something that stinks

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    DKHenderson  7 months ago

    Just occurred to me—I don’t believe that we’ve ever seen Pasquale with a baby sitter—although long ago there were a couple strips where Rose was investigating potential sitters.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  7 months ago

    Deadpool and Wolverine—-for incurable romantics

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    M.K.Staffeld  7 months ago

    As long as they agree on what movie they’re gonna go see…

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