Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for August 03, 2024

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    eced52  7 months ago

    No, it can’t be that.

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    jmworacle  7 months ago

    Just like a politician (both sides of the aisle).

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    purepaul Premium Member 7 months ago

    Words of a fool. Give him time and a few good friends.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 7 months ago

    It is what it is…………….

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    JPuzzleWhiz  7 months ago

    Cruz: financially broke and mentally bankrupt?

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    eb110americana  7 months ago

    Because like most Americans, you buy the things you “deserve” instead of what you can afford. Which is why people have iPhones, Apple watches, new car payments, leather jackets, and Nikes, but can’t pay down their debt.

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    mafastore  7 months ago

    I really everyone comes from a different background and circumstances.

    When I was a child I would get an allowance – something like a few cents or maybe even a penny a week (talking early 1950s here you could actually buy something small – a charm, a gumballl … with same then).

    I would take my money to the candy store or such and then bring it home and put it in my bank. I kept doing that. As I went along and had a bigger allowance I would do the same, along came working while in college and after and I still saved most of the money I got.

    All those pennies were the start of the money we bought our house with and why husband could retire in his 50s when he was burned out at work and we could still get by. Had my parents not raised me with a sense of the importance of savings I would not be like this.

    While my husband is far from a spendthift his family did not raise him to save money as mine did.

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