Man 1: So, last hayride ever? Woman: Agreed. Ptul. * Hayrides, like youth, are for the young.
Time to hit the hay.
Instead of just sitting on it, they had a roll in the hay.
I went on a hayride in the 60s wearing makeup. Ew!
At least you now have a straw for slurping your post ride cocktail.
If that’s the only place you got hay, you didn’t do it right, city slickers.
a sage 6 months ago
Time to hit the hay.
phritzg Premium Member 6 months ago
Instead of just sitting on it, they had a roll in the hay.
GG_loves_comics Premium Member 6 months ago
I went on a hayride in the 60s wearing makeup. Ew!
julie.mason1 Premium Member 6 months ago
At least you now have a straw for slurping your post ride cocktail.
Daltongang Premium Member 6 months ago
If that’s the only place you got hay, you didn’t do it right, city slickers.