9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for August 31, 2024

  1. Orion95
    Jml58  6 months ago

    That is a guy I might vote for.

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    Pickled Pete  6 months ago

    And too lazy to work!

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    rob.home  6 months ago

    Although, politics isn’t work—it’s parasitism.

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    cdward  6 months ago


    People love to hate politics, yet it is one thing no society can exist without. Literally, every society has to have a form of governance in order to hold together — can’t think of a single example of a society without governance. This requires a system for choosing who will do the governing. That’s basically politics. But I DO know people who are good, kind, and hardworking who get involved to make their communities better. I have a friend who ran for and won a seat on the town board. He served two terms and stepped down. At the end, he said, “Okay, I put in my time, but there’s just not much fun in the job. Campaigning was the most fun part of it because I got to meet people.” Even on the micro level, I serve on one of those dreaded HOA boards — but I’m on it because it’s legally required, and nobody else would do it. The president of the board called me and begged just so they could have the legally required number. So I spend my time with other residents stopping me to complain about leaky roofs, parking spot issues, bad landscaping and so on. That’s all politics, and I just wanted to say that a pen awful lot of the people doing it are doing it precisely because the job has to be done, and instead of complaining, they decided to step up.

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    mistercatworks  6 months ago

    Too well dressed for begging.

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    wildlandwaters  6 months ago

    my question is, how is he able to hold in that position??

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