I think that anyone who would support and vote for someone who has a rape judgement against him for around half a $billion, and 34 felony convictions with more on the way, and led an insurrection against the U.S. must not like the United States very much.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
After a bipartisan committee of US Senators spent months coming up with a bill to address the miserable situation on our southern border, Trump ordered his stooges in the US House of Representatives to declare it dead on arrival, because he’d rather have the problem than even try for a solution. So when they rant and rave about our border problems, do remember who’s chiefly responsible for prolonging them.
rekam 6 months ago
Bravo, Lalo!
grocks 6 months ago
RonnieAThompson Premium Member 6 months ago
SofaKing Premium Member 6 months ago
Yesterday I saw a pickup flying two Mexican flags, and a giant Trump banner in the back window. Unbelievable.
Godfreydaniel 6 months ago
Evil cults don’t need no stinkin’ logic…..
kennecwk 6 months ago
You hear that Swing States? Go for it! The country does not want or deserve a Trump 2.0.
mistercatworks 6 months ago
gammaguy 6 months ago
Some puns are in fact quite serious.
ncorgbl 6 months ago
I think that anyone who would support and vote for someone who has a rape judgement against him for around half a $billion, and 34 felony convictions with more on the way, and led an insurrection against the U.S. must not like the United States very much.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
Richard S Russell Premium Member 6 months ago
After a bipartisan committee of US Senators spent months coming up with a bill to address the miserable situation on our southern border, Trump ordered his stooges in the US House of Representatives to declare it dead on arrival, because he’d rather have the problem than even try for a solution. So when they rant and rave about our border problems, do remember who’s chiefly responsible for prolonging them.