Food for thought: The media gives 80+ percent “positive” coverage to one that was never voted in as a candidate but merely replaced one that they were previously saying was perfectly fine for office. (Did you happen to watch the debate?)The media also gives 80+ percent “negative” coverage to the other that survived an assassination attempt despite the terribly incompetent performance of the gov’t security assigned to him. An attempt that happened after the debate.
I don’t care WHAT you think about either individual as a person. In someone else’s eyes, we ALL can be thought an idiot or an @$$hole. The important things to seriously consider are 1) what are the policies the candidates are promoting, 2) what is thier proven track record for those policies (as they’ve both held office so we can see what they’ve done previously), and what really needs to be considered now is 3) do you believe the media is actually showing the entire truth, or do you think the media is manipulating us in favor of one political party/ideology/agenda?
As one should always do when hearing any rumor, “news”, etc., ..“Consider the source.”
Yakety Sax 5 months ago
NO! And you can’t make me!
mccollunsky 5 months ago
Same news as yesterday, only the names and/or locations have been changed.
pschearer Premium Member 5 months ago
OK, what did he say now?
DawnQuinn1 5 months ago
What idiotic thing did he NOT say?
L L 5 months ago
Food for thought: The media gives 80+ percent “positive” coverage to one that was never voted in as a candidate but merely replaced one that they were previously saying was perfectly fine for office. (Did you happen to watch the debate?)The media also gives 80+ percent “negative” coverage to the other that survived an assassination attempt despite the terribly incompetent performance of the gov’t security assigned to him. An attempt that happened after the debate.
I don’t care WHAT you think about either individual as a person. In someone else’s eyes, we ALL can be thought an idiot or an @$$hole. The important things to seriously consider are 1) what are the policies the candidates are promoting, 2) what is thier proven track record for those policies (as they’ve both held office so we can see what they’ve done previously), and what really needs to be considered now is 3) do you believe the media is actually showing the entire truth, or do you think the media is manipulating us in favor of one political party/ideology/agenda?
As one should always do when hearing any rumor, “news”, etc., ..“Consider the source.”