Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 12, 2024

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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    HEADLINE: RFK Jr. suggests independent support for Trump will drop in wake of debate

    He’ll do anything to get his face in the news . . .

    OLD NEWS, disregard.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Maybe Stantis is giving up on Trump taking the election?, I dunno.


    In the meantime, Libertarians do not want to get their hands dirty by running people for city councils, state legislators, attorneys general, etc. Too much work, I guess, especially when your philosophy, if you could call it that, never addresses the consequences of getting your ideas enacted.

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    sarahbowl1 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Thank goodness for the ‘system!’

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    bunwarpgazoo Premium Member 5 months ago

    Which system would this be?

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  5. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 5 months ago

    “The system” will give you just as much as the other guys if you attract as much support as the other guys.

    Libertarians and Greens aren’t “third parties” because of the system. It’s because not enough people support them.

    And a big reason for that is that they are purely ideological and therefore inflexible.

    Which is also why I think we may be seeing the last of the Republican Party

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    Brich027  5 months ago

    Now who can even name the Libertarian and Green candidates for President?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    Ex-NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg must not be in favor of gun control anymore.

    Because to get trump to shake hands with Kamala Harris he must have been holding a gun to Trump’s…….

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago


    Mark Twain

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    ctolson  5 months ago

    Well, DJT was right, he did win the debate – with the most lies/false statements. Yeah Kamala had a few, but he had more. Loved it when he began his meltdown. Even though he and ihis crew are trying to spin it into fluff, like whipped cream, it will wilt in short order.

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  10. Lifi
    rossevrymn  5 months ago

    So, Stanti and Ted Rall, as I have noted before, like to bemoan the lack of 3rd parties in the U.S. They have a point. Where these 2 juveniles fail is that I have never once heard them address the other end of the spectrum, when there are so many parties that the government is a hobo stew. Look at Israel today with Netanyahu and his coordination with nutter, far-crazy parties. Remember all the coalitions that form world-wide after elections, then collapse a month later, requiring new elections. Our system has sub-interests within the main parties, Progressives in the Dems and Super Nutters in the GOP. If the DMZ adolescents want to be taken seriously, and they need to hurry up, they will be dead soon, they need to cut the immature takes and address the full picture.

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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    Nope. The ‘system’ lets you have as much as you can win. If you can’t get voters to support your cause, that’s on you. Not the system.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    Hubert Humphrey would have beat Nixon if not for George Wallace

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    TwilightFaze  5 months ago

    Sometimes that’s enough. I voted for Jill in 2016.

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    elgrecousa Premium Member 5 months ago

    The system is a problem. Elections should not be funded by billionaires and corporations.

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    mikendi  5 months ago

    Doesn’t that describe all parties?

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  5 months ago

    So, for the most recent DMZ, a review of the debate, Stantis displayed the only sense of adulting, as his partner, Ted went full “Machiarallian,” again. Rall gave Harris a grade of B and trumpsterwierd, a C. The REAL WORLD has it probably more like A-/B to F—. On more than one occasion, Rall has stated that trumpsterweird is “funny.” I mean, there’s people you laugh………..with and people you laugh………, embarrassingly, you know, like a drunk at a party, with whom you are familiar, who is stumbling around with his/her pants half-way down his/her a$$…………Ted, that’s not funny, that’s just sad. Rall also noted that ABC only fact-checked trumpsterweird. Stanti SHOULD have countered that Harris didn’t need fact-checking. Overall, though, I have to give Stantis his kudos, he has moved some from interviewer of an unhinged Rall to independent thinker.

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  17. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 5 months ago

    I don’t have much use for Any of the political parties in the US these days and haven’t for a very long time. I was raised in the South during the 50s and 60s and so of course as a Democrat. Somewhere along the way the democrats and republicans pretty much switched sides, but then the trumpists took over the GOP and warped it beyond recognition. For a long time I favored what I perceived to be the ideals of the Libertarians but later realized it can’t work in any current and probably no ever human society because it assumes that everyone keeps up with the world situation, is intelligent and educated enough to understand it, and mature enough including taking the long view enough to make rational decisions. Good luck with that.

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