For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for June 03, 2009

  1. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 16 years ago

    Is the kid a diabetic?

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  2. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  almost 16 years ago

    Or constipated?

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  3.   golden loops
    LittleYipScream  almost 16 years ago

    or perverted?

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  4. Images 1
    xemox  almost 16 years ago


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  5. Rms46 2009 2x s
    rms46  almost 16 years ago

    complicated=i can not clean my backplane by myself.

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  6. Missing large
    DWSNJ  almost 16 years ago

    one needs to recall the Lawrence story line (I won’t spoil it)

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  7. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Oh, come on. I think he just wants to do #2 in the comfort of his own home, or Rahmat may be right. I know several parents who have little ones who refused to go in the potty at school and would hold it all day to do it at home. I also know kids who were totally potty trained doing #1, but would only do #2 in a diaper, so I can only imagine what they were like a few years older.

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  8. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    Lawrence, why do you have to complicate something so simple?!

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  9. 00000
    alondra  almost 16 years ago

    Some people dislike having to do #2 in a public restroom and Lawrence may feel this is the same thing, since it’s not “his” bathroom. My husband’s like this. Maybe they feel embarrassed to stink up a room people other than family members must use.

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  10. Steelers logo
    arsmall  almost 16 years ago

    Yeah, just like our conversation from yesterday….he needs to “use it” at home…

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  11. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 16 years ago

    if he can only use his own bathroom at home he’ll never be able to take a long road trip

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  12. Missing large
    aleisha1112  almost 16 years ago

    One of my two sons and my husband can’t do #2 in a public restroom. My son always waits until evening when I am trying to get the boys into the bath or put them down for bed.

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  13. Momma
    idwiz123  almost 16 years ago

    Another good reason to NEVER let any friends stay over… and to NEVER let your kid stay over anywhere…..

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  14. Nanny poo
    carmy  almost 16 years ago

    @ pookid, you got that right!

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  15. Missing large
    KJUW89  almost 16 years ago

    DWSNJ: The original story line may be part of Lawrence’s issue, but I had a different thought. The author is making some adjustments this time through, so maybe Lawrence has some kind of intestinal disease, like Crohn’s or UC. These diseases still cause a lot of shame, especially for kids.

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  16. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    No offense to anyone but you need help if you can’t use a public restroom to relieve yourself. Do you plan your whole life around where you can empty your bowels? At Army basic training (of course this was 30 years ago) they didnt even have stalls, just four toilets in a row facing the row of sinks. You could wave at yourself in the mirror on the john while the other guys were shaving. You either get over it and go our you explode. — On another note I used to know this big Airborne Ranger, Special Forces type guy. He couldnt pee standing up. His mother had beat it so deep into his head that he had to sit down that the poor guy was unable to perform. Just goes to show the horrible things parents can do to their children.

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  17. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 16 years ago

    Oh! For Pete’s sake, Lawrence, quit worrying about #1 and #2, just go using their bathroom at the Patterson’s home. Why did you stay at Michael’s home for overnight? Therefore, you can allow to use their bathroom to relief yourself before you go bed. sighhhh!

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  18. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Have some sympathy for Lawrence. Who know what kids think? They just need understanding and gentle guidance.

    I hope this isn’t related to the future story line DWSNJ.

    My imagination scares me about the possible implications.

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  19. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  almost 16 years ago

    Have some sympathy for the kid. He probably never stayed anywhere else, and is only used to using his toilet. This wouldn’t have been a problem if he was sitted for at home. All Mom’s fault for trying to have a life. LOL

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  20. Missing large
    Comic-Nut  almost 16 years ago

    I remember the Lawrence story line…. So I understand. I don’t like, but I understand.

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  21. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  almost 16 years ago

    I sympathis with Lawrence. He is approximately 7 or 8. At that age I absolutely hated the idea of doing number 2 outside of my house. I remember a few times having to go after lunch and waiting till school was over and rushing home to not go to the school bathrooms. At friends houses were the same. Their homes always smelled different and they had weird stuff everywhere, so I didn’t feel comfortable going there.

    As to Lawrence storyline. He is in lower elementary school, that would not come into being until at least five to eight years. Geez.

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