There are other artists that have commented that they only start with a general idea of where a story will go rather than a long, detailed, unchangable script. Then, as they draw the installments, the characters draw them along and change where it ends up. This is an extension of that idea; where the demands of the characters are being collected, not at the drawing board, but out in the open!!
I’m not sure where this is going, but it sure is one sweet ride!! More regularity of the redicularity would be nice, but I’ll take the installments as we get ‘em. Better a slow trickle than that it dry up completely.
hey progan01 - I could be totally wrong and you could be totally right, but I like to hope that Corey is going waaaaaay out on a creative limb here… not only breaking the fourth wall, but jumping in with both feet, a cane, and a talking bottle of whiskey to become part of the craziness, at least for a while. Remember when the asteroid hit and we all thought he’d killed off the strip? Give the dude a chance. Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve that will blow us away yet again.
Old book: “The Vulgar Tongue” and title variations, author Francis (Captain) Grose, original date 1811. (That’s what Corey’s character has in his hands.)
New book: “A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English”, author Eric Partridge, original date 1937 with many revisions and versions.
Look ‘em up on Amazon or through Google. Partridge’s 8th edition is available for searching on Google Books. Grose’s book appears to be available at various sites as a PDF or Word file.
you’re doing great Corey. Don’t pay attention to the nay-sayers as they can just move on, and they will. This story arc is great, unique and very ingenious.
Personally, I think Pandolph has traded NyQuil and Vodka for Methadone. The boy is gone whacko. Pity, BL had such promise early on. Now I read more from the morbid fascination of watching a slow-motion train wreck than of any hope the strip becomes enjoyable again.
Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed my super-serious blog post over at concerning BL and it’s future!
I have one more strip to go in this nuttiness (will post later today) and then I will take the next week off to plan and get ahead on the new BL, 7 days a week. We’ll be returning to the smaller format for Dailies, but Saturday and Sunday will showcase the larger fun (Including a return of the CHPMNK Militia).
I used the last few weeks to decide whether or not to continue on with the strip. I nearly ended it all, but I think if we can return to the usual small town nuttiness of the past, I can enjoy a regular, sane schedule.
I appreciate those of you who stick through these transitions and experiments. This is strip has become the pliable test strip of the three I do. I have the freedom to push the envelope and see what can and can’t be done within a comic strip. The last ten or so installments have been great fun for me and have recharged my creative batteries.
I look forward to pleasing and maddening you all on a more regular basis, beginning May 11th!
Corey, I have in the past stopped reading BL but I keep coming back to see if the latest long gap in updates has ended, and eventually it always has, and – well, I’m still here now.
I actually kind of like this storyline’s possibilities, though as an amateur storyteller (read, “liar”) myself I know you can’t always explore all of them.
progan01, could you kindly interpret what you are saying? I find it interesting, but I’m not up on foreign languages! Unless I need to read them a certain way, squint my eyes and repeat 3 times?
Corey, this strip has provided us the best group of isolated eccentrics since Northern Exposure. Please do return to the “small-town nuttiness.” We can’t wait!
Working on the last one today, guys. We took a hit when NYC and Boston metro decided to stop running TOBY as of today. Been trying to find a way to fill the monetary gap.
There is a new BL comic that I’ve been trying to post, but GoComics doesn’t seem to be updating BL for some reason.
You can see the new comic at Also, if you check out the blog at, you can link to a bunch of eBay auctions for BL and TOBY original art.
TheDOCTOR almost 16 years ago
GAH! HOOO th’ Hahll is this Guy? Un wut duz this huf to dew with BARKEATER LAKE????????
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Yea, Corey, regular schedule, color strips on Sunday with the squirrels, like the old days! Just don’t burn yourself out!
pukku almost 16 years ago
Um – shouldn’t that be “hear” in the first panel, not “here”?
GoJints almost 16 years ago
Pukku - it may be gramatically incorrect, but at least it’s posted!
Where can I get that dictionary?
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Bring on more Barkeater Lake.
Flauta almost 16 years ago
I think I like this strip so much because Corey actually reads and responds to the comments. This strip is a wonderful example of that.
paciii7223 Premium Member almost 16 years ago
This is fun.
There are other artists that have commented that they only start with a general idea of where a story will go rather than a long, detailed, unchangable script. Then, as they draw the installments, the characters draw them along and change where it ends up. This is an extension of that idea; where the demands of the characters are being collected, not at the drawing board, but out in the open!!
I’m not sure where this is going, but it sure is one sweet ride!! More regularity of the redicularity would be nice, but I’ll take the installments as we get ‘em. Better a slow trickle than that it dry up completely.
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
hey progan01 - I could be totally wrong and you could be totally right, but I like to hope that Corey is going waaaaaay out on a creative limb here… not only breaking the fourth wall, but jumping in with both feet, a cane, and a talking bottle of whiskey to become part of the craziness, at least for a while. Remember when the asteroid hit and we all thought he’d killed off the strip? Give the dude a chance. Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve that will blow us away yet again.
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
okay Corey, I stuck up for ya, don’t let me down or I’m coming up there with a camper, a 4-wheeler and a freezer full of bacon.
funniesfan almost 16 years ago
sounds like giving up again. No story, no regularity, and now when it is there, it is no longer funny or pertinent.
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Give me a talking whiskey bottle anyday.
Rumball almost 16 years ago
Oy! Enuf o’ the f$kng snarkin. Jes enjoi the f$king ride.
The Old Wolf almost 16 years ago
Corey, I hope you’re enjoying writing this arc as much as I’m enjoying reading it…
Randy B Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Old book: “The Vulgar Tongue” and title variations, author Francis (Captain) Grose, original date 1811. (That’s what Corey’s character has in his hands.)
New book: “A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English”, author Eric Partridge, original date 1937 with many revisions and versions.
Look ‘em up on Amazon or through Google. Partridge’s 8th edition is available for searching on Google Books. Grose’s book appears to be available at various sites as a PDF or Word file.
GoJints almost 16 years ago
Randy_B - Thanks for the info. I may have to get one to keep on my desk at work.
lindavid3 almost 16 years ago
you’re doing great Corey. Don’t pay attention to the nay-sayers as they can just move on, and they will. This story arc is great, unique and very ingenious.
kirbey almost 16 years ago
I like this but I am confused….
corey creator almost 16 years ago
All your Barkeater Lake crazy comments and questions answered!
Finally, we can move on…
hawgowar almost 16 years ago
Personally, I think Pandolph has traded NyQuil and Vodka for Methadone. The boy is gone whacko. Pity, BL had such promise early on. Now I read more from the morbid fascination of watching a slow-motion train wreck than of any hope the strip becomes enjoyable again.
corey creator almost 16 years ago
Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed my super-serious blog post over at concerning BL and it’s future!
I have one more strip to go in this nuttiness (will post later today) and then I will take the next week off to plan and get ahead on the new BL, 7 days a week. We’ll be returning to the smaller format for Dailies, but Saturday and Sunday will showcase the larger fun (Including a return of the CHPMNK Militia).
I used the last few weeks to decide whether or not to continue on with the strip. I nearly ended it all, but I think if we can return to the usual small town nuttiness of the past, I can enjoy a regular, sane schedule.
I appreciate those of you who stick through these transitions and experiments. This is strip has become the pliable test strip of the three I do. I have the freedom to push the envelope and see what can and can’t be done within a comic strip. The last ten or so installments have been great fun for me and have recharged my creative batteries.
I look forward to pleasing and maddening you all on a more regular basis, beginning May 11th!
Cheers, beers and bacon!
GoJints almost 16 years ago
Woo Hoo! BL will be back with a vengenance! Thank you Corey. Can’t wait to see what happens…
McGehee almost 16 years ago
Corey, I have in the past stopped reading BL but I keep coming back to see if the latest long gap in updates has ended, and eventually it always has, and – well, I’m still here now.
I actually kind of like this storyline’s possibilities, though as an amateur storyteller (read, “liar”) myself I know you can’t always explore all of them.
But that’s what fanfic is for…
lindavid3 almost 16 years ago
progan01, could you kindly interpret what you are saying? I find it interesting, but I’m not up on foreign languages! Unless I need to read them a certain way, squint my eyes and repeat 3 times? Thanks!
JerryGorton almost 16 years ago
latin: “what nourishes me, destroys me. (Google)
Ray_C almost 16 years ago
Corey, this strip has provided us the best group of isolated eccentrics since Northern Exposure. Please do return to the “small-town nuttiness.” We can’t wait! Ray
GoJints almost 16 years ago
Corey - we were promised one last one to be posted a few days ago, before you went on vacation? Please? (Can’t wait to see what happens)
corey creator almost 16 years ago
Working on the last one today, guys. We took a hit when NYC and Boston metro decided to stop running TOBY as of today. Been trying to find a way to fill the monetary gap.
Have no fear, however, BL is on track.
TheDOCTOR almost 16 years ago
TheDOCTOR almost 16 years ago
Interfere? INTERFERE!? OF COURSE I SHOULD INTERFERE, always do what your Best at I always say.
paciii7223 Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Poor Whiskey (gin, vermouth & highlife, too)… let go in this economy… Grin. I think they’ll be able to get a position somewhere (have ‘em see Chuck…)
Can’t wait for the 11th…
GoJints almost 16 years ago
So, are we getting the strip promised on the 1st on the 11th? Well it does have a 1 in it…
Corey, I need my BL fix!
lizaroni72 almost 16 years ago
Go Jints, go to, for the lastest…
I have an position open if Whiskey is interested.
corey creator almost 16 years ago
There is a new BL comic that I’ve been trying to post, but GoComics doesn’t seem to be updating BL for some reason.
You can see the new comic at Also, if you check out the blog at, you can link to a bunch of eBay auctions for BL and TOBY original art.
See you on Monday!
paciii7223 Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Evidently there was an issue to many updates. Pibgorn was quite late, too.