Teacher let us listen to music. He was out for a week and the sun said NO! Our classroom was separated by a divider between two rooms. Winter time, I wore a military style parka. I put the radio in my sleeve and turned it on. Gaubstopper ( her last name was Gaub, we called her Gaubstopper) told us “ I said no music!” We ingnired her the first two times she said it, the third time I said it was coming from the other room! “ Oh, OK!” We listened to music the rest of the week.
Running a quick serve restaurant, we had an on-going battle with the dreaded cell phone. So we implemented a zero tolerance policy for using them during your shift. I ended up firing 3 employees in the first week for violation of the policy. Ended up modifying the policy and working with the staff for a solution.
b.john71 3 months ago
That’s today’s society, find a workaround instead of complying with the rules
sandpiper 3 months ago
YOLO seems to be the theme song for moderns. If something doesn’t please, dump it, ignore it, or acquire new.
Strider Keninginne Premium Member 3 months ago
Serious mother/daughter talk ensues where the little princess learns about actions having consequences… and Momma isn’t taking any excuses.
TMMILLER Premium Member 3 months ago
Teacher let us listen to music. He was out for a week and the sun said NO! Our classroom was separated by a divider between two rooms. Winter time, I wore a military style parka. I put the radio in my sleeve and turned it on. Gaubstopper ( her last name was Gaub, we called her Gaubstopper) told us “ I said no music!” We ingnired her the first two times she said it, the third time I said it was coming from the other room! “ Oh, OK!” We listened to music the rest of the week.
InTraining Premium Member 3 months ago
something just went flying by over Fauna’s head…!
sincavage05 3 months ago
Running a quick serve restaurant, we had an on-going battle with the dreaded cell phone. So we implemented a zero tolerance policy for using them during your shift. I ended up firing 3 employees in the first week for violation of the policy. Ended up modifying the policy and working with the staff for a solution.