Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 03, 2024

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    Cheapskate0  5 months ago


    Kudos, Scott!

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  5 months ago

    The exact statement made by JD Vance, Sunday, September 15 in an interview on CNN with Dana Bash, who was pushing Vance on why he and Trump keep pushing a proven LIE about “illegal” Haitian immigrants (who were LEGAL immigrants responding from recruiting calls from the city of Springfield, Ohio, to fill industrial jobs created by the Biden/Harris prosperity, that were not going unfilled), falsely accusing them eating people’s pets, even after the REPUBLICAN governor of the state, the REPUBLICAN mayor of the city and the REPUBLICAN city manager all confirmed that THE RUMORS WERE FALSE (even those who initially filed the reports admitted they had been mistaken; in one case the pet owner found her “missing” cat in her basement, alive and well).

    Vance said: “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

    Trump and Vance were lying. The rumors were false and THEY KNEW THEY WERE FALSE. But it served to promote their false, lying hate message trying to stir up hatred for LEGAL immigrants who just happened to be Black.

    A preview of what life under a Trump / Vance prevaritocracy would be like.

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    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Oohh, Stantis discovered the upcoming election.

    Not only that, but he has a glimmer that all magats just make sh!t up and then LIE about it.

    Vance just admitted the making sh!t up part.


    “Did you LIE about the sh!t you made up?”

    “I just want to focus on the future.”

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  4. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 5 months ago

    I wouldn’t buy a used car from vance, I couldn’t even watch the debate because he is so deplorable

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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    ’Sorry, but what kinda critter is Junior Varsity Dense? Surely not a cat, ’cause cat ladies love cats.

    And they don’t like you, with your too much eyeliner and your bizarre couch fetish – is that why YOU are the Sofa King VP candidate?

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    syzygy47  5 months ago

    Mr Vance, your initials stand for John Dillinger and you’re wanted for murder in several states. You’re the secret love child of Mr and Mrs Potatohead. And you get your delicate skin by eating babies.

    Now, can we both abandon this string of self serving BS, act like adults and embrace reality. No? Didn’t think so, ya muppet!

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    William Robbins Premium Member 5 months ago

    Alright, what did y’all get up to last night? They deleted Fern and Dotbup’s threads.

    “In his closing statement at last night’s debate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz thanked viewers for missing ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ For those who are unfamiliar, it’s a reality competition show that will hopefully feature JD Vance next season.” — Seth Meyers

    “Former President Trump broke a 50-year tradition for presidential candidates after he backed out of his scheduled interview with ‘60 Minutes’ because he was worried they’d fact-check him. So if you’re keeping track, Trump said that he’ll stand up to the president of China, but Lesley Stahl is a little too scary.” — Jimmy Fallon

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  8. Fencie icon
    fencie  5 months ago

    So, JD, were you making up your expressed wish to see American universities destroyed (and endowments seized) in order to root out left wing radicalism?

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    willkepley  5 months ago

    Bwahahahaha! Of course Vance is a cat
w/ eyeliner!

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    ctolson  5 months ago

    So JD Vance portrayed as a cat means he best not go to Springfiels Ohio for a rally or he’ll get eaten.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    He’d be better portrayed as a sneaky fox—-lose the tail and you’ll have it down pat

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    saflyer Premium Member 5 months ago

    We really don’t need another Garry Trudeau in the comics. And BTW, at first I thought the character was Walz. It was more like him than Vance.

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    emery3093 Premium Member 5 months ago

    As a practical matter, if the moderators fact checked all the lies told by Trump and Vance, there would be no time for debating.

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    up2trixx  5 months ago

    I’ve always said, if you have to lie to make your point you have no point at all.

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    bxclent  Premium Member 5 months ago


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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    tRump refuses to be on 60 Minutes because of the real time fact checkers, and Vance objected to being fact checked during the debate. That’s what liars do.

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    cipactli77  5 months ago

    Should change his name to Shady Pants.

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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    Today’s Quiz:

    Nevada politician guilty of using $70,000 meant for statue of slain officer for personal costs.

    A jury convicted Michele Fiore, a former Las Vegas city councilwoman and state lawmaker, of six counts of federal wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, KLAS-TV in Las Vegas reported. The weeklong trial in U.S. District Court in Nevada began last week.

    Each count carries a possible penalty of 20 years in prison. Fiore, who has been suspended without pay from her current elected position as a justice of the peace in rural Pahrump, Nevada, will be sentenced Jan. 6. She will remain free while she awaits sentencing.

    Her attorney, Michael Sanft, said Fiore will appeal the conviction.

    Federal prosecutors said at trial that Fiore had raised more than $70,000 for the statue of a Las Vegas police officer shot and killed in 2014 in the line of duty, but instead spent the money on plastic surgery, rent and her daughter’s wedding.

    “Michele Fiore used a tragedy to line her pockets,” federal prosecutor Dahoud Askar said.

    FBI agents in 2021 subpoenaed records and searched Fiore’s home in northwest Las Vegas in connection with her campaign spending. Sanft told the jury that the FBI’s investigation was “sloppy.”

    Fiore, who does not have a law degree, was appointed as a judge in deep-red Nye County in 2022 shortly after she lost her campaign for state treasurer. She was elected in June to complete the unexpired term of a judge who died. Pahrump is an hour’s drive west of Las Vegas.

    The question?

    To which PARTY does she belong?

    For extra credit: Which entity was “sloppier” – The FBI that got her 140 years, or her attorney?

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    1BlackLivesMatter  5 months ago

    Harris/Biden have given $13,000 (on average) to each illegal alien, but only $750 to the hurricane victims!!! VOTE RED.

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