Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for October 08, 2024

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    jmworacle  5 months ago

    Face it kids, itā€™s a case of ā€œThe Golden Ruleā€ grandma gots the gold so she sets the rules.

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    dbrucepm  5 months ago

    Iā€™ve never understood the no snack rule. As long as itā€™s small and isnā€™t too close to a meal it doesnā€™t hurt anything.

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    LadyPeterW  5 months ago

    Depends on the snack, one sugary sweet, calorie-laden cookie can do a lot to the hunger button! Thoā€™, I agree, it ā€˜s how close to the actual meal thatā€™s more the answer to the snacks question.

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    WF11  5 months ago

    What I couldnā€™t understand when I was a kid was the warning that ā€œIt will spoil your dinnerā€. So to me, this meant that having the snack was fine as long as you ate all of your dinner too, which I never had trouble doing (having been a chow hound as a kid and young adult). Somehow my reasoning didnā€™t fly with my parents.

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