For one Halloween party I dressed as a sheik. (Think King Ibn Saud Of Saudi Arabia) I wanted to dye my beard jet black. I was buying hair dye at the drug store and the check out lady insisted the dye was not for me because I was white and the hair dye box showed a black man! I was stunned a bit but I was reluctant to explain I was dressing up like an Arab chief for Halloween just in case she was from the Middle East……
Being blonde was an aspirational goal for dark-haired folks when I was in high school. In one case a classmate endeavored to achieve that goal by means of peroxide. The result was pretty darn close to what happened to Gray here, and earned the classmate the moniker, “Carrot Top.” He bit the bullet and got a burr.
j_m_kuehl 4 months ago
as the last hair falls out
Zykoic 4 months ago
For one Halloween party I dressed as a sheik. (Think King Ibn Saud Of Saudi Arabia) I wanted to dye my beard jet black. I was buying hair dye at the drug store and the check out lady insisted the dye was not for me because I was white and the hair dye box showed a black man! I was stunned a bit but I was reluctant to explain I was dressing up like an Arab chief for Halloween just in case she was from the Middle East……
noktar Premium Member 4 months ago
But his dyed hair and the tie he wears match very well.
HarryLime 4 months ago
I’m proud that I have “snow on my roof.” Many males in my family, over the generations, lost their follicles … and at an early age.
A# 466 4 months ago
Being blonde was an aspirational goal for dark-haired folks when I was in high school. In one case a classmate endeavored to achieve that goal by means of peroxide. The result was pretty darn close to what happened to Gray here, and earned the classmate the moniker, “Carrot Top.” He bit the bullet and got a burr.
Grace Premium Member 4 months ago
Tried to remove too black color one time. Ended up green. $150 later at the salon it was ok.
goboboyd 4 months ago
You Trendy Ted, you.