Hey, this could be one of them Bookface memes where “only people born in the XXs will get this”, as if recognizing a piece of pop culture from 100 years ago makes them superior to the millennials.
EVERYTHING makes you superior to millennials, but that’s beside the point.
BasilBruce 2 months ago
One guy wanted to know if the coast is clear; I told him to call the weather service.
Izzy Moreno 2 months ago
Hey, this could be one of them Bookface memes where “only people born in the XXs will get this”, as if recognizing a piece of pop culture from 100 years ago makes them superior to the millennials.
EVERYTHING makes you superior to millennials, but that’s beside the point.
Billavi Premium Member 2 months ago
Who’s the operator? Nintendo’s Mario?
Huckleberry Hiroshima 2 months ago
Great classic fez launch.
PoodleGroomer 2 months ago
How many switchboards and operators did it take to connect a line to make that call?
Tim Tucker 2 months ago
That joke had whiskers on it before it got to Bud Fisher!
brklnbern 2 months ago
Hope it wasn’t news of a distant relative leaving you lots of cash.